

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted most economies and banking systems globally, including India. The nation-wide lockdown in April-May 2020 substantially impacted economic activity. The easing of lockdown measures subsequently led to gradual improvement in economic activity and progress towards normalcy. For the banking sector, these developments resulted in lower demand for loans and fee-based services and regulatory measures like moratorium on payment of dues and standstill in asset classification to mitigate the economic consequences on borrowers. It also resulted in increase in provisioning reflecting higher actual and expected additions to non-performing loans following the cessation of moratorium and asset classification standstill. The second wave of Covid-19 pandemic since March 2021, where the number of new cases has increased significantly in India, has resulted in re-imposition of localised/regional lockdown measures in various parts of the country.

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on us is uncertain and will depend on the spread of Covid-19, the effectiveness of current and future steps taken by the governments and central bank to mitigate the economic impact, steps taken by the Bank and the time it takes for economic activities to return to pre-pandemic levels. Our capital and liquidity position is strong and would continue to be a focus area for the Bank during this period.