Progressive Policies for Employees

Capability Building

ICICI Bank believes in building talent by identifying individuals with potential and attitude for growth, and providing them with opportunities to acquire necessary knowledge and skills. This focus is across levels, from those beginning their journey with ICICI Bank to various levels up to the senior management. One of the ways to be future-ready is to invest in skills and capabilities, which are essential to be relevant in the market over the long term. The Bank has a defined architecture across functional, leadership development, digital and industry-academia programmes to equip employees with the required skill sets.

In order to periodically review and align the learning content and structures, the Bank has structured academic councils, consisting of business leaders. These councils meet on a quarterly basis to review alignment of skilling content with evolving business needs. The inputs and feedback discussed in the session are implemented in the respective programmes as a part of the content update.

To meet the demands for a skilled workforce, the Bank has adopted a strategy to backward integrate at the ecosystem level to create a pool of industry-ready workforce. One of the key aspects of the industry-academia programmes is the expertise it builds in the banking, financial and digital services sector, and in ICICI Bank. The objective is to orient future employees to the culture of ICICI Bank and to impart functional knowledge in banking and related subjects.


Retail Academy

Wholesale Banking Academy

Operations Academy

Risk Academy

Digital Academy

Transaction Banking Academy

Credit Academy

Audit Academy

Small & Medium Enterprises Group Academy

Behavioural Academy

Debt Service Management Group Academy

Building a Digitally Capable Workforce

In line with the vision of moving towards a scalable, future-ready and data-driven organisation, the Bank has geared up for a transformational change with the implementation of advanced technologies in streamlining its systems and processes. To meet this objective, the Bank has curated a learning plan to cover technology, data, information security and design skills ensuring the right combination of functional, technical, process-based, professional and cultural anchors. During fiscal 2022, the Bank started a new programme, PRISM, with the aim to train and develop young talented engineers who wish to pursue careers in the areas of technology and data sciences in the Bank. During fiscal 2022, the Bank clocked 49 hours of learning per employee.

Empowering Employees

The current business environment demands speed, agility and adaptability by an organisation. The Bank’s focus is to create a responsive workforce, encouraged by empowering the teams to take cues from the local environment and identify local opportunities for risk-calibrated growth. The Bank encourages its employees to experiment and innovate to create services and solutions for customers within the guardrails of risk and compliance. The Bank has created a role-based leadership structure to encourage micro-experiments with the objective of taking successful models to the larger markets. The corporate office functions as a service centre and the job of the central team is to serve employees who directly serve our customers.

Diversity and Inclusion

ICICI Bank has always encouraged diversity in its workforce and gender sensitivity is inherent in its human capital strategy. The Bank’s philosophy of meritocracy and equal opportunity in its people decisions led to a large number of leadership positions being held by women over the last two decades. Conscious of the life stage needs and safety of women employees, a range of benefits and policies have been curated. For instance, the Bank provides women employees with cost of travel and stay, for a child up to a certain age and a caregiver, during official travel. Further, the Bank has a liberal leave policy for women employees. These include Child Care Leave, Adoption Leave and Fertility Leave, among others.

The Bank is an equal opportunity employer and seeks to ensure that the workplace is free of any kind of harassment or inappropriate behaviour. Comprehensive policies and procedures have been laid down to create an environment where there is respect and dignity in every engagement. Sexual harassment cases are handled as per the guidelines set under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013. The Bank creates awareness about the Act through mandatory e-learning at the time of induction. It also communicates regularly with employees regarding the mechanism for raising complaints and the need for right conduct by all employees. The Bank has a mechanism for dealing with complaints of harassment. It ensures that all such complaints are handled promptly and effectively with utmost sensitivity and confidentiality, and are resolved within defined timelines. For other workplace issues, the Bank has a robust mechanism to resolve them and the Call@I-Care provides employees with a platform to raise such concerns.

At March 31, 2022, the Bank had 105,844 employees (including contractual employees); 31% of them were women.

To read more on Human Capital, refer to pages 46-51 in ICICI Bank’s Annual Report 2021-22