ICICI Academy for Skills

ICICI Academy for Skills (ICICI Academy) is a unique livelihood and skilling initiative of ICICI Foundation. The network of ICICI Academy, whose first centre was established in Jaipur in October 2013, has widened to 28 centres across 19 states and 2 union territories. In fiscal 2021, the Academy opened a new centre in Ranchi, Jharkhand.

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Since inception till March 31, 2021, ICICI Academy has skilled close to 160,000 individuals; 43% of them being women.

The knowledge partners who helped ICICI Academy to create course content

Digitisation of Skilling Initiatives for Catalysing Future Growth

The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the implementation of the ongoing digitisation efforts at ICICI Foundation. The announcement of a nationwide lockdown in March 2020 led it to change the way of its skill training programme, which was hitherto centred around learning in classrooms. ICICI Academy took it upon itself to transform this adversity into an opportunity by digitising the entire lifecycle of the programme.

Identifying potential trainees, counselling them and processing their applications is the starting point of the skilling lifecycle. During fiscal 2021, ICICI Academy significantly enhanced sourcing applications through digital channels. It received enquiries through ICICI Foundation’s website and alumni portal, referral programs like www. GiftaLivelihood.com and popular messaging and social media platforms. Additionally, ICICI Academy digitised the experience of ‘walk-in’ enquiries by installing android tablets placed at the reception area of its centres.

During fiscal 2021, ICICI Academy significantly enhanced sourcing of applications through digital channels.

In the wake of the pandemic, ICICI Academy developed blended instructional methodology -- a combination of digital classroom and practical training -- to ensure effective learning. All beneficiaries were trained using this methodology in fiscal 2021. In addition, it focussed on the holistic development of trainees using modules on soft skills and life skills.

The teams of ICICI Academy created digital content in-house for each of these courses.

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Online sessions were supplemented with practical training at ICICI Academy centres in small batches. The timings were staggered for the convenience of the trainees while following sanitisation and social distancing norms to keep the participants and faculty members safe.

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ICICI Academy implemented a QR code verifiable digital certification mechanism. Post successful completion of the training programmes, the trainees get certificates electronically via email and SMS. The trainees can access/download/ share the certificates electronically, while the potential recruiters can verify them by scanning the QR code anytime, anywhere. During this year, ICICI Foundation issued digital certificates to nearly 10,000 trainees.

ICICI Academy implemented a QR code verifiable digital certificate that can be scanned by potential recruiters to verify its authenticity

ICICI Academy introduced the concept of virtual placement sessions in fiscal 2021 to supplement its regular placement efforts. The Academy hosted a first-of-its-kind digital job fair, ‘i-Job Fair’. This platform brought the trainees, who successfully completed their courses, and alumni, who lost their jobs owing to the lockdown, to potential employers. The entire journey of placement -- from collecting data of interested candidates and alumni, social media promotion, posting of resumes, shortlisting of candidates, inviting employers as per beneficiary availability, interviews of beneficiaries, final selection of beneficiaries and issuance of offer letters – was done online.

i-Job Fair digitally brought the trainees, who successfully completed their courses, and alumni, who lost their jobs owing to the lockdown, to potential employers.

A customised software system, ‘iSustain’, enables end-to-end digital management -- sourcing, monitoring progress and administer tasks -- of trainees. Over 200 employees of ICICI Academy used ‘iSustain’ in fiscal 2021 to monitor close to 14,250 trainees digitally

Success Story