ICICI Rural Self Employment Training Institutes

On behalf of ICICI Bank, ICICI Foundation manages two residential centres and 18 satellite centres of ICICI Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) in Udaipur and Jodhpur districts of Rajasthan. ICICI Foundation has been managing them since March 2011.

RSETIs are a part of a national programme initiated by the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India. They are set up by banks to provide vocational training to rural population. from marginalised communities. These centres provide skill training in various trades, as per the local market requirements. The RSETIs in Udaipur and Jodhpur have been recognised as top performing RSETIs in India for nine years in a row by the MoRD and the National Centre for Excellence of RSETIs (NACER).

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Improving nourishment of underprivileged tribals

In fiscal 2021, ICICI RSETIs launched a new initiative, ‘Suposhan Vatika’ (nutritional garden), for serving the malnourished families of tribal communities. The intervention, a joint effort of ICICI RSETI and the government of Rajasthan, was introduced in 10 underdeveloped blocks in Udaipur district.

Under the project, kitchen gardens were developed in the backyards of the homes of these families. Each garden, referred to as Suposhan Vatika, has upto 12 types of vegetables and three fruit plants. Each of these gardens can produce nearly 400 kilograms of fruits and vegetables annually. The produce from the garden acts as a vital supplement to the regular diet of these families.

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ICICI Foundation has implemented renewable energy solutions in rural India to improve the quality of life of people.

Two such examples are below:

Lighting up rural huts

In rural India, many people live in huts made of mud. Owing to the material used for construction, no light enters the hut, even during a sunny day. Due to intermittent supply of electricity in these locations, we implemented a simple and cost effective solution, Solar Bottle Bulb. ICICI Foundation installed plastic bottles filled with water and bleaching powder on the roof tops of the huts. The bottles are placed in a way that it is half exposed to the sun, while the other half is suspended inside the hut. During daytime, the water inside the bottle reflects the sunlight inside the hut, producing illumination of about 55 watts of incandescent bulb.

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Success Story

From losing my job during the pandemic to owning a shop - Vinod Prajapat

Life has never been easy for me.My father’s income was not enough to support our family. Since a young age, I started working as a labourer. After completing my studies till Standard 10, I migrated to Mumbai in search of better opportunities at the age of 16.My first job was at a grocery store followed by a stint at a mobile phone store.

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