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Global Markets

About Us

ICICI Bank offers innovative FX services and products to its clients, based on their unique requirements. We incorporate the best practices followed globally and leverage technology to deliver bespoke solutions and a user- friendly experience.

Forex Desk

At ICICI Bank, we offer our clients customised hedging and trading solutions, across markets and time zones through dedicated forex Relationship Managers.

Derivatives Desk

At ICICI Bank, our clients have the advantage of competitive pricing through one of the largest USD/INR options book in India and market making in interest rates and currency derivatives in all G7 currencies.

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Risk Disclosure Statement (RDS) for Forex and Derivative products

Clients are requested to read and understand the PDS and RDS before undertaking any forex and derivative transaction with the Bank.

Bond Desk

ICICI Bank is a leading participant in the Indian fixed income markets. Our Debt Syndication Desk offers end-to-end services related to origination and placement of bonds & commercial papers across various issuer and investor segments. Given our time-tested expertise in the domestic debt market, we have strong relationships with bank treasuries, mutual funds, insurance companies, retirement funds, foreign portfolio investors, corporate treasuries and trusts.

Remittances Through FX Channels

Getting the right rates at the right time is the key determinant of profitability in Forex transactions. ICICI Bank offers the advantage of seamless execution and market making through a range of channels for your remittance requirements.

Economic Research

The customers are also provided with regular market updates, both quantitative as well as qualitative research on macroeconomics and financial markets.

Gold Metal Loan

Mechanism under which a jewellery manufacturer borrows gold metal instead of rupees and settles the GML with the sale proceeds obtained.

Product Disclosure Statements and Risk Disclosure Statement for Forex and Derivative products

Gold Outright Sale

ICICI Bank offers gold in standard bar forms on outright sale basis.


Gold Forword