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Terms and Conditions for Touch Banking

  1. Instances of network failure, transmission failure/delay or any technical glitch shall not be considered within the purview of 1 minute time mentioned.

  2. Instances of wait time if any arises due to queuing before getting an opportunity to transact in the self-service device shall not be considered within the purview of 1 minute time mentioned.
  3. The time frame of 1 minute is for a single transaction and not multiple transactions carried out at any device or devices.

  4. Time taken while seeking support through video conference (VC) depends on the nature of service request of the customer, hence multiple queries, detailing of product information , dispute related transaction, where customer could not provide any information sought by the VC officer or any such equivalent time consuming queries or instances are not considered within the purview of 1 minute banking.

  5. If due to the fact that the customer does not have earlier orientation to self-service devices and its user interface, it takes longer for him/her to navigate between various screens of the device, transactions of such nature shall not be considered within the purview of 1 minute time mentioned.

  6. Transactions which got timed out due to instances where customer had not chosen the required options etc., due to which delay occurred in completing their transactions shall not be considered within the purview of 1 minute time mentioned.