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Savings Account

How can I apply for Basic Savings Bank Accounts with zero minimum balance?

Basic Savings Account is available for Indian Residents above the age of 18 years only who should not be holding any other Savings Account with ICICI Bank.

You may visit the nearest ICICI Bank branch and request for opening a Basic Savings Account. 

What is the minimum balance required to be maintained for an ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account?

There is no minimum monthly average balance requirement for Basic Savings Bank Account.

Click here to know more details about Basic Savings Bank Account.

What documents do I need to submit for opening an ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account?

Click here to view the documents required to submit for opening an ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account?

What are the features of an ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account?

Please click here to know the features of ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account.

How can I check account balance?

You may call our new missed call alert facility number from the registered mobile number to know your account balance and last 3 transactions through an SMS.

The call will get disconnected automatically and an SMS will be sent to the registered mobile number of the user.

  • To check account balance, you need to dial 9594612612.
  • To check on last three transactions, you need to dial 9594613613

Alternatively, you may check the balance through iMobile, Internet Banking or by calling our Customer Care.

To know the Customer Care numbers, we request you click here

How do I approach ICICI Bank to open a Basic Savings Bank Account?

You can approach us in any of the following ways:

What are the different modes through which I can access my ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account?

You can access your Basic Savings Bank Account through:
ICICI Bank branches
Phone Banking

What is the eligibility criteria for opening an ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account?

ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account is available for Indian Residents above the age of 18 years only. The account is not available to individuals in the capacity of HUF Kartas. NRIs are not eligible for this account.Customer should not be holding any other Savings Account with ICICI Bank.


How to get a passbook for your ICICI Bank Savings Account?

To apply for a passbook, you may visit your ICICI Bank branch.


Once the account is subscribed to Passbook, statements will be discontinued, however you can check the transaction details online in the 'Detailed Statement' section.

What is the rate of interest that I will earn on the balance in my ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account?

Click here for the rate of interest that you will earn on the balance in ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account.

Can I open a Basic Savings Bank Account jointly?

Basic Savings Bank Account can be opened as a joint account.

How to view and download Savings Account Statement?

You can view and download the Savings Account Statement through Internet Banking:

Login with your User ID and Password to view and download your account statement up to the last <4> years or register to receive statements on your e-mail ID. You can request for the User ID and generate Password instantly online.

Log in to Internet Banking > Bank Accounts > View Detailed Statement > Click ‘e-Statements’ > Select the period to view/ download the statement.

We send you statements in password protected Portable Document Format (PDF) for security reasons.

You need an 8-character password to view your e-mail account statement.

The first four letters of your password are the first 4 letters of the name of your account, followed by your date and month of birth OR date and month of incorporation in case of Current Account (in DDMM format). The password is case-sensitive (lowercase). Please do not include any special characters, spaces or salutations (if any). In case of joint account, the details of the first account holder need to be entered in the above format. For example, if your account is in the name of Sujit Sawant and date and month of birth is January 5, then your password will be suji0501. If name of account (Current Account) is ABC Enterprises and date of incorporation is January 5 then your password will be abce0501.

Please enter 12-digit account number as password whose last 3 digits would be mentioned in the subject line of the e-mail sent to you.

What are nomination facilities available on a Basic Savings Bank Account?

Nomination facility is available for Basic Savings Bank Account.

  • There can be only one Nominee for a deposit account whether held singly or jointly.
  • A person legally empowered to operate a minor's account can file a nomination on behalf of the minor.
  • Applicants can make nomination by filling up the Form prescribed under the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules 1985.
  • The nomination details can be changed during the subsistence of the account relationship by filling up the Form prescribed under the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules 1985.
  • For more details, visit any of our branches.

How do I change the address in my saving account?

We request you to update your communication address in your savings account through any of the below mentioned channels:

Internet Banking:
Login to Internet Banking > Customer Service > Service Requests > Bank Accounts > Request for Updation of Communication Address. 

Steps to follow:
Web page will be displayed for updating the address in 
1) All linked bank accounts
2) All linked credit cards
3) Both (accounts and credit cards).

Select the appropriate option
-Existing address as updated in bank records will be displayed
-Select the address proof document to upload from the drop down
-Upload the clear scanned image of the document chosen (File size should not exceed 500 Kb)
-Post uploading the document, enter the required details
-Read the T&C provided and tick mark the option I agree to submit your request.

Click here to change the address 

ICICI Bank branch:
Please visit the nearest ICICI Bank branch, along with any of the following original ID proof and address proof. 

Identification Proof:
1. Valid Passport with photograph and signature
2. Driving licence (Handwritten or laminated) issued by Regional Transport Authority
3. PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department/ UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited (UTIITSL)/ National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL)
4. Voter ID Card issued by the Election Commission of India
5. Job Card issued by National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) duly signed by an officer of the State Government
6. Aadhaar Card/ E-Aadhaar issued by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).

Address Proof:
1. Valid Passport with photograph and signature
2. Driving licence (Handwritten or laminated) issued by regional transport authority
3. Voter ID Card issued by the Election Commission of India
4. Job Card issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the State Government
5. Aadhaar Card/ E-Aadhaar issued by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).

To locate the nearest ICICI Bank branch, Please Click Here.

How can I update my international mobile number in Savings Account?

To update your overseas mobile number in your resident account, please follow the below steps, if the duration of your overseas stay is less than 180 days:

1. Call our Customer Care from your international number
2. Note down the Service Request number shared by our Executive
3. Download the request form available under the Form Center on our website
4. Dully fill in the request form and send it to the address mentioned on the form, within 7 working days
5. Post receipt of the form, we shall update the mobile number on your account within 7 working days.

1. If your duration of the stay is greater than 180 days, please convert your account to NRO account. You may go to Customer Service > Service Requests > Bank Accounts > Request for Conversion of SB Account to NRO Account.

2. Request will be completed only if the form is dully filled in and the Service Request number is mentioned on the form.

You may click here to download the form.
Go to > Others > Form Center > Personal Banking > Sign Up For > Overseas Mobile Number Updation Form for Resident Customer.

How can I change the nominee(s) for my ICICI Bank Basic Savings Bank Account?

You can change the nominee(s) by making a declaration to that effect, in the appropriate form, which is available at any of the ICICI Bank branches.