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Savings Account

What is iMobile Pay?

iMobile Pay is ICICI Bank's Mobile Banking application that can be downloaded and activated on your mobile phone. With iMobile Pay you can check your balance, transfer funds, pay utility bills, recharge your mobile phone, DTH connection, broadband, book movie tickets and much more on the go.

If I register 4 billers towards my utility bills payments and total amount is Rs. 8000 every month, will I be eligible for the cash back offer?

No, Bill payment as a whole will be counted as only one alternate mode & not 4.

How to download/ register iMobile?

SMS iMobile to 5676766 to get the download link or visit the Android/ iOS/ Windows/ Blackberry app store using your GPRS enabled mobile phone and download the iMobile app.

What will happen if total transaction amount is Rs. 8000 but payment mode is active for 3 including iMobile?

You will not be eligible for the cash back offer.

What is Spend2Earn Programme?

The Spend2Earn is a programme where customers can earn a cashback of Rs. 3000 on doing transactions in his/her savings account using defined payment modes, which will be credited in savings account of the customer on fulfilling the eligibility criteria.

What is the eligibility criteria for the Spend2Earnrogramme?

  • Customer should do at least one transaction (financial/non-financial) through iMobile (including iMobile activation) every month
  • Customer should have done the transaction using at least 3 defined alternate mode of payments as mentioned below, in addition to iMobile activation
  • Customer should have debit transactions in the enrolled savings account aggregating to Rs. 8,000 through any of the below 6 alternate modes
  • The debit transactions of Rs. 8,000 should be done consistently for 6 months through the same 3 alternate modes
  • The minimum threshold amount defined against each payment mode has to be fulfilled
  • For customers who are already active on alternate modes even before they opted for the Cashback Programme will have to undertake new transactions using defined alternate modes
  • Customer should not be defaulting on the contracted minimum balance requirement in any of the months during offer period
  • The debit criteria of Rs. 8,000 will be considered from M 2 month and continue till M 8 month where M being the month of account opening for new customers and month of enrolment for existing customers.
  • Customer needs to register for the required mode of payments (alternate modes) to ensure that the debit transaction in savings account against each mode is enabled by M 2 month.

Who can enrol under the Spend2Earn Programme?

ICICI Bank retail customers above the age of 18 years having resident savings account with minimum monthly average balance requirement of Rs.10,000.

How can I enrol under the Spend2Earn Programme?

Existing customers can visit the nearest ICICI Bank branch and submit the customer consent letter. New customers can enrol at the time of account opening only.

Can I enrol multiple accounts under the Spend2Earn Programme?

No, you can enrol only once and only one account can be registered under the programme. List of eligible savings account status codes are - FAA05, FAA10, GAA10, SBR10, HHJWL, HKC10, SBK10, WOMAN, GAF30, HHBT1, WMNF, HHBT2, HHBT3, FE10, HGV10, HHOTP.

What type of transactions are considered under the cashback programme?

Debit transactions in your selected savings account towards alternate mode of payments are considered.

How many payment modes I have to use every month?

At least 3 payment modes apart from iMobile activation you have to use every month for 6 months.

What are the different payment modes?

You can choose from the following payment modes


Payment modeDescriptionMin. threshold amount
Bill PayWith Bill Payment services you can pay your bills securely from the comfort of your office or home with the click of a button. You can pay bills like gas/ electricity/ phone etc.Rs. 500
Auto DebitIt is a debit instruction towards payment of your Loan EMIs and/ or Credit Card bill paymentRs. 2000
EDCPersonalise your Debit Card as you like. Pick and choose from a gallery of 200+ awesome designs or choose one of your own picsRs. 2000
SI for Recurring DepositSet up Standing Instruction towards Recurring Deposits monthly contributionRs. 2000
Standing Instruction facilityIt is a debit instruction in your savings account for a fixed amount at a fixed frequency for payments towards your insurance premium/ Credit Card bill, house rent etc.Rs. 500
SIP towards mutual fund paymentSIP is a smart and hassle free mode for paying money in mutual funds. It allows you to invest a certain pre-determined amount at a regular interval.Rs. 2000

Can I transact using any alternate mode every month?

Yes, you can use any alternate mode of payment but make sure at least 3 same mode should be active for 6 months.

How to register for Bill Pay?

You can register for bill pay facility through ICICI Bank Internet Banking service or simply visit the nearest ICICI Bank branch and submit the physical form.

What If I make a bill payment using Quick Pay option?

It will be considered under the cash back offer.

What type of transactions are not considered under Bill Pay?

Prepaid and DTH recharge are not considered.

If I register a biller using iMobile app and then make my bill payment, will I be considered active on both iMobile as well as on Bill Pay?

Yes, both modes will be considered active.

Can I use any debit card to avail the cash back offer?

No, only Expression Debit Card used for non-cash debit transactions are considered for the cash back offer.

What type of transactions are not considered under Standing Instruction (SI) facility?

SI set up for credits into savings account within ICICI Bank will not be considered.

What type of transactions are not considered under Auto Debit facility?

Only payment towards any of the below ICICI Bank/ Group Co-Products by debiting the enrolled savings account.

  • Loan EMIs and Credit Card payment

From which month my transactions will be considered for the cashback offer?

Transactions will be considered from T 2 month where T is the month of enrolment when customer got his savings account enrolled under Spend2Earn Programme.