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Bank's Commitment

At ICICI Bank, we take great care to safeguard the assets of our customers. We believe in helping our customers to manage and protect their money.

ICICI Bank is committed to provide a secure online experience that protects your confidential information. Our employees are trained on security policies and procedures and work diligently to protect the integrity of customer's (we should be consistent with the use of YOU or CUSTOMER) information.

We use industry-accepted security practices, including firewalls and encryption. These controls allow us to properly authenticate your identity when you access our online services and help to protect the information as it travels over the Internet between your computer and ICICI Bank. We also constantly monitor and assess the security of our systems.

The safeguards we employ are :

Secure Login

Cap on number of login attempts

Timed Logout

Expiry of user ID


2048-bit Secure Socket Layer

Entrust Digital Certificate

Secure Login:

We utilise a multi-factor authentication for users to access our online banking systems. through their ICICI Bank internet Banking user ID and password. The web page on which they are required to input these details is a secure page.

When you log in successfully, your web browser will establish a secure SSL connection between your computer and our web servers. This ensures that you communicate with us in private and conduct online transactions safely.

Cap on number of login attempts:

If you are unable to input the correct user ID and password, you will not be able to access your online account. This ensures additional protection. However the bank also provides you the facility to generate your password online . To know more click here

After three unsuccessful attempts to login, the user ID will be blocked by our system automatically. The user id and password will be enabled only on calling our 24-hour Customer Care. After authenticating yourself, you can place your request for re-activation of your user ID. You would be intimated on your registered mobile number about this.

Timed Logout:

Our unique security features continue to protect you once you have logged in successfully. To protect your accounts against unauthorised access, our systems are designed to terminate a secure online session automatically if extended inactivity is detected. Hence if you login and leave your session inactive for 10 minutes , the session will be terminated. In such a situation , you can login again to continue your activities.

In addition, after logging into, you cannot use the 'Back', 'Forward' and 'Refresh' buttons of your browser. If you click any of these buttons, your secure session will be logged out automatically. This is done to ensure that no unauthorised entry is made into your online account during your absence from your computer system.

Expiry of user ID:

Your Internet Banking user ID expires if it is not used for a period of more than one year. However, if you have lost / misplaced your Internet Banking user ID / passwords, please inform us immediately and we will disable them to prevent their unauthorised usage.

Your passwords also can be re-issued upon your request, you can also generate your internet banking password online. To know more click here


To protect data stored on our systems and to prevent unauthorised access, we employ firewalls where ever appropriate. A firewall enforces security on your computer or system. It's like a locked door, preventing dangerous material from getting into the room.

2048-bit Secure Socket Layer:

This is a protocol designed to enable applications to transmit information back and forth securely. Applications that use this protocol inherently know how to give and receive encryption keys with other applications, as well as how to encrypt and decrypt data sent between the two. SSL has been universally accepted on the World Wide Web for authenticated and encrypted communication between the customer's computer and servers.

Some applications that are configured to run SSL include web browsers like Internet Explorer and Netscape, email programs like GroupWise, Outlook, and Outlook Express, FTP (file transfer protocol) programs, etc. These programs are automatically able to receive SSL connections.

To send an SSL connection, however, or to open a secure connection, your application must first have an encryption key assigned to it by a Certification Authority. Once it has a unique key of its own, you can establish a secure connection with every other application that can "speak" the SSL protocol.

Entrust Digital Certificate:

The website –, on which your internet banking transaction are done, has been verified by Entrust. The "https" assures that the data is encrypted and secured.

Our website carries the certificate as below.