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Terms and Conditions for Online Account Opening Process

Terms and Conditions

  • This facility is valid for NRI/PIO (s) based in USA
  • It can be availed through an application form filled up online
  • The applicant(s) to the account is/are expected to read and understand and hereby agree to abide and be bound by the ‘Terms and Conditions for NRE/ NRO/ FCNR and RFC Accounts’ as provided under/ made available to them at ICICI Bank’s website www.icicibank.com/nri (the "Website") and all other terms and conditions as made available under “NRI Banking” on the Website in relation of all products, services and channels provided/ offered by ICICI Bank to NRIs/ PIOs (collectively, the “Terms and Conditions”). I/we understand that the Terms and Conditions are liable to be amended, varied, supplemented or modified by ICICI Bank from time to time. I/We acknowledge that it is the applicant(s) responsibility to obtain a copy of the latest Terms and Conditions and read, understand and abide by the same.
  • The applicant(s) to the account is/are expected to acknowledge and understand that ICICI Bank may provide for online application forms to be submitted by the applicant(s) for opening and establishment of Accounts online, subject to necessary authentication and verification requirements of ICICI Bank being complied with (to the satisfaction of ICICI Bank), and any information submitted by the applicant(s) in such online application forms, including any specimen signature or copy (ies) thereof being submitted by the applicant(s) shall be relied upon by ICICI Bank and such signature shall form part of the records of ICICI Bank and shall be treated as conclusive evidence of the applicant(s) authorisation/ instruction for the purposes of the applicant(s) Accounts and/ or any present of future transactions, products and services that may be provided/ extended to the applicant(s) Accounts by ICICI Bank from time to time.
  • The applicant(s) to undertake that he/she/they understand and agree that by ticking the box in the form, the applicant(s) hereby accord their agreement to all the particulars and information given by the applicnat(s) in the online application form (including any specimen of the applicant(s) signature) for the Account(s) (the “Application Form”) are true, correct, accurate, complete and up to date in all respects and the applicant(s) have not with-held any information.
  • The applicant(s) need to undertake that he/she/they understand and agree and authorise ICICI Bank, its Group Companies to exchange, share or part with all the information, data or documents relating to his/her application to other ICICI Group Companies / Banks / Financial Institutions / Credit Bureaus / Agencies / Statutory Bodies /Tax authorities /Central Information Bureaus/ such other persons as ICICI Bank / its Group Companies may deem necessary or appropriate in accordance with Clause 16 of the Terms and Conditions for NRE/ NRO/ FCNR and RFC Accounts, as made available on the Website.
  • The applicant(s) understand that in the event his/her/their Application Form is not verified and authenticated to the satisfaction of ICICI Bank, ICICI Bank shall have the right to cancel the applicant(s) Application Form and require me/ us to apply for a physical account opening in relation to any Accounts. The applicant(s) agree and undertake that the applicant(s) shall not hold ICICI Bank liable for any and all liability, any other loss that may occur, arise from or relate to his/her/their Application Form or the services thereof, or inability of ICICI Bank to process the applicant(s) Application Form or any acts, errors, representations, misrepresentations, misconduct or negligence by him/her/them in relation to the information and details provided by him/her/them in the Application Form.


 The above undertakings and declarations shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the Application Form and the Terms and Conditions. To th extent of any inconsistency          between the Application Form and these undertaking and declarations, the latter shall prevail.