NRI Savings Account
Who is an NRI?
An NRI is an Indian citizen who stays outside India:
(a) for purposes of carrying out employment or any business or vocation;
(b) under circumstances indicating an intention to stay outside India for an uncertain duration;
(c) any Indian citizen deputed outside India for a temporary period in connection with employment.
Who is a PIO?
A citizen of a foreign country (other than a citizen of Bangladesh or Pakistan) is a PIO if
(a) he/ she at any time held an Indian passport; OR
(b) he/ she or either of his/ her parents or any of his/ her grandparents was a citizen of India; OR
(c) spouse (not being a citizen of Bangladesh or Pakistan) of an Indian citizen or (a) or (b) above.
What type of bank accounts can be opened by NRIs / PIOs?
Following types of bank accounts can be opened:
- Non-resident External (NRE)
- Non-resident Ordinary (NRO)
- Foreign currency Non-resident (FCNR)
How can I open an NRE Savings Account?
You can open an NRE Savings Account by applying online. Click on link below and our customer service representative will call you back in next 15 minutes to assist you in opening an account.
Are my NRE Savings Account funds repatriable?
Yes, both the principal and interest are repatriable.
Can I have joint holders for my NRE Savings Account?
Yes. You can hold your NRE Savings Account jointly with other Non-Resident Indian(s) and Resident Indians*. You can also register nomination for this account.
*This can be opened only with relatives and mode of operation shall be as Former or Survivor as per which only the Primary applicant shall have rights for Financial and Non-Financial transactions. Resident joint applicant can be added as mandate holder.
How is the Silver debit card different from the ATM card?
ICICI Bank's Silver debit card (Smart Shopper debit card) is debit-cum-ATM card, which can be used for transactions at merchant establishments and to operate your account at bank ATMs as well; both in India and abroad. Whereas, an ATM card can be used only to operate your account at ICICI Bank ATMs in India.
What are the limits on an silver debit card for NRI customers?
Cash withdrawal limit of Rs. 25,000 per day and transaction limit (w.e.f. October 1, 2011) of Rs. 50,000 per day at merchant establishments.
What are the charges for the debit card?
For Debit Card annual charges, Cash Withdrawal & Balance Enquiry charges at non ICICI Bank ATM's – Please click here for more information.
How can I get a silver debit card?
NRE Savings Account holders get Smart Shopper Silver Debit Card. If you are not an ICICI Bank customer, you can open a NRE savings account and get Smart Shopper Silver Debit Card.
Whom do we contact for help on debit card related issues while we are abroad?
You can contact Visa Global Customer Assistance Service. Click here
Can a joint account holder have a separate debit card?
Yes, a joint account holder can definitely be issued a separate debit card if the mode of operation of the account is other than FRS (Former or Survivor) or JTLY(Jointly).
How can I request for an ATM/ Debit Card and PIN?
You can request for an ATM/Debit Card and PIN by applying Online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet Banking.
You can also request for an ATM/Debit Card by contacting our 24-hour Customer Care
Alternatively, you can click here to download the request form, and mail it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Andheri-East, Mumbai- 400072
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'request form'.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
* Charges will be as per applicable service charges.
How can I request for an ATM/ Debit Card for my Mandate?
You can request for an ATM/Debit Card and PIN by applying Online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet Banking.
You can also request for an ATM/Debit Card by contacting our 24-hour Customer Care
Alternatively, you can click here to download the request form, and mail it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Andheri-East, Mumbai- 400072
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'request form'.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
* Charges will be as per applicable service charges.
Do banks levy any service charge for use of other bank ATMs?
Nil for first five transactions (inclusive of financial and non financial transactions) in a month. Thereafter, Rs.20 (inclusive of service tax) per financial transaction and Rs. 8.50 (exclusive of service tax) per non financial transaction.
W.e.f. Jan 1, 2015 Nil for first five transactions (inclusive of financial and non financial transactions) in a month. Thereafter, Rs.20 (exclusive of service tax) per financial transaction and Rs. 8.50 (exclusive of service tax) per non financial transaction.
What should be done in case during the cash withdrawal process, cash is not disbursed by ATM but the account gets debited for the amount?
The customer may lodge a complaint with the card issuing bank. This process is applicable even if the transaction was carried out at another banks ATM.
How many days maximum would the bank require to re-credit the account for such wrong debits?
As per the RBI instruction, the issuing bank may re-credit such wrongly debited amounts within a maximum period of 7 working days from the receipt of the customer compliant.
Are customers eligible for compensation for delay beyond 7 working days?
Yes, effective July 1, 2011, banks shall pay customers a sum of Rs. 100 per day for delays beyond 7 working days (if the complaint is lodged with the issuing bank within 30 days). This compensation shall be credited to the customer's account without any claim being made by the customer?
In case the compensation is not credited as mandated, what recourse does the customer have?
For all such complaints customer may lodge a complaint with the local Banking Ombudsman if the bank does not respond.
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Which countries is the service available in? Which currencies are supported?
The service facilitates money transfers to India in 8 currencies from any bank in 8 countries as listed below:
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Asia: Singapore (SGD), Hong Kong (HKD), UAE (AED)
To know more on the Money2India transfer modes in each of the countries, please select your Country of Residence. You can also contact the Money2India Customer Service team for any assistance
What is meant by an Inactive / Dormant account?
Inactive Account Definition: If there are no transactions in your savings account for more than 12 months, the account will be classified as "Inactive".
Dormant Account Definition: If there are no transactions in your savings account for more than 24 months, the account will be classified as "Dormant".
This is a measure to safeguard your interest, as it is possible that you may not be monitoring your account. A letter to this effect would be sent to your communication address
What are restrictions, when my account becomes Inactive / Dormant?
Inactive Account restriction: You cannot request for issue of chequebook incase your account is inactive.
Dormant Account restrictions: The following requests are not permitted in a dormant account:
- Requests for issue of chequebook
- Renewal of ATM/ Debit Card
- Requests for change of address, addition or deletion of joint holder, signature modification
- Withdrawal through ATM, Internet Banking, Branch etc
How do I activate my Inactive / Dormant account?
Inactive Account Activation: In order to make your account active (from inactive stage) please conduct a transaction by cheque, ATM or by infinity, else visit the nearest ICICI Bank branch in India and submit an account-activation letter.
Dormant Account Activation: In order to normalize your account (from dormant stage), you may use any one of the following channels:
Direct Courier:
Step 1 > Fill the Dormancy Activation Request Form. Click here.
Step 2 > Attach KYC documents
Attach copies of your Address Proof where you wish to receive your communications & first two and last two pages of your valid passport. Please note: You need to sign on the documents. You also need to get it attested by any local Bank/ Notary Authority/ Indian Embassy of your overseas country if you currently reside in a country other than any of the Click here for acceptable list of ID and Address proof documents.
Step 3 > Submit FATCA form (Only if applicable) Click here.
If there has been a change in the country of residence in the last two years, please submit the FATCA / CRS Form along with a copy of your visa.
Step 4 > Send documents:
A) You can use our PO Box services available in USA, Singapore, United Kingdom, UAE, Australia and Canada.
B) Courier documents to :
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,5th Floor, A-Wing,
Autumn Estates, Chandivali Farm Road,
Chandivali, Next to Chandivali Studio,
Andheri-East,, Mumbai- 400072, INDIA.
How can I transfer funds?
You can request for Funds Transfer (Online) by following the steps below :
- Visit our web site
- Enter your Internet Banking user ID and password
- Click on 'Funds Transfer'
- Choose one of the transfer options
- You need to follow the below mentioned steps to register and authenticate your payee:
Go to specific funds transfer section (Other ICICI Bank Account, Non-ICICI Bank Account or Card-2-Card Funds Transfer) and register a Payee
Once payee details have been entered, the registration will be in "Pending Confirmation". No transfers will be allowed to a payee.
You will receive an email alert along with the Unique Registration Number (URN) You can now login to Internet Banking and confirm the Payee registration by entering URN in the “confirm payee” space provided
On successful authentication the status of the Payee registration will be updated from "Pending Confirmation" to "Registration Confirmed"
You will now be allowed to transfer funds to the particular Payee for the specific service
Alternatively ,you can also confirm your registered payee by calling our 24-hour Customer Care
You can also send a letter with complete funds transfer details, duly signed to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit a letter duly signed for Funds transfer. To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
Internet Banking transactions for NRI customers cover the following transactions:- Transfer to Third Party accounts within ICICI Bank
- Transfer to accounts other than ICICI Bank (RBI NEFT)
- Card To Card Transfer
Limits for per day transfers for NRI Customer:
- The per day limit will be 5,00,000 for each applicable transaction mentioned above
- Transfers to third party ICICI Bank accounts is 5,00,000 per day
- On a given day the total of all the funds transfers in the above categories cannot exceed the cumulative of 5,00,000 per day
What minimum balance would I be required to maintain in my NRE/NRO account?
Click here to view service charges for NRE Savings Account.
How do you calculate MAB?
The minimum Monthly average balance (MAB) required to be maintained for
- Regular Variant : INR 10000 at an account level OR INR 25,000 at Customer ID level
- Pro Variant :INR 2 Lacs in CASA accounts
Or INR 5 Lacs in CASA + FD
- Premia Variant: INR 5 Lacs in CASA accounts
Or INR 25 Lacs in CASA + FD
Failing to meet the above requirements, Charges for non maintenance of minimum Monthly average balance (NMMAB) are as follows:-
- Regular Variant : 6% of shortfall in required MAB or 500 whichever is lower
- Pro Variant : 3% of shortfall in required MAB or 500 whichever is lower
- Premia Variant : 2% of the shortfall in required MAB or INR 500, whichever is lower
What are the documents that can be accepted as source of proof for credit to NRE accounts?
The documents/instruments that can be accepted as source of proof for credit to NRE accounts are:
- Foreign currency demand drafts representing funds from overseas/FCNR/NRE sources
- ICICI Bank NRE account cheques
- Cheques / pay orders / demand drafts with specific evidence/certificate/advice that the funds are from foreign source or repatriable in nature:
Cheque issued from another NRE account (with suitable crossing or account number and account type printed on the cheque)
Closure proceeds of FCNR deposits (The issuing banks should advise that the funds are repatriable in nature)
Foreign inward remittances (The issuing banks should advise that the funds are repatriable in nature)
Closure proceeds of OBU deposits (The issuing banks should advise that the funds are repatriable in nature) - An IPO refund order accompanied by a letter/advice from the registrar stating that the investment was from a repatriable source
- A letter from the registrar/bank for receipt of refund of amount from an application for shares if the amount of subscription was paid from the NRE account
- A letter from any bank or recognized mutual fund house stating that the funds were invested from the source of NRE funds
- Funds received through EFT credit with specific mention of NRE funds transfer
- To deposit foreign currency cash / traveller's cheques to an NRE / FCNR (B) account, the NRI needs to visit the branch and submit a copy of his/her passport and immigration details (original passport to be carried in person). A currency declaration form, if applicable, will also be required
- In case of current income such as rent, dividend, interest, pension etc, current income proof alongwith a chartered accountant’s certificate and an undertaking in the specified format regarding the payment/provision of income tax. In case you do not have a taxable income in India, the credit of the current income would be permitted on furnishing a declaration, in duplicate, to the effect that you are not a tax payer in India.
- In case of maturity proceeds of government securities / mutual funds / life insurance policies, proof of maturity proceeds provided the securities / units were originally purchased / premia was paid out of NRE / FCNR account or out of remittance from overseas
- In case of sale proceeds of immovable property other than agricultural land / farm house / plantation property in India, where the said property has been acquired through payment in foreign exchange received through normal banking channels / out of funds held in NRE / FCNR accounts, copy of registered sale deed & purchase deed of property, a declaration in specified format, banker’s certificate / FIRC / attested bank statement regarding remittance / payment for purchase of property and repayment of loan, if applicable
- Rupee demand drafts / bankers' cheques / account payee cheques issued against encashment of foreign currency along with encashment certificate issued by an Authorised Dealer Category – I / Category – II
How can I request for a demand draft to be sent to any address in India?
You can request for a demand draft by applying online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet Banking.
Alternatively, you can Click here to fill up the request form, take a printout and mail it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the ' Demand Draft' Request form.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
* Charges will be as per applicable service charges.
How can I request for an Address Change on my account?
How can I request for an Address Change on my account?
You can request for your address updation in our records by sending the 'Address Change' request form, signed by the primary applicant along with a valid address proof to our India address :
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
Click here to download the 'Address Change' form and also refer to the list of valid address proofs.Please ensure you attach the relevant address proof to avoid delay in executing your request.
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'Address Change' request.To refer to the updated list of our branches please Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
How can I update my Signature on my account?
You can request for a Signature Updation by downloading the 'Signature Change' request form, and send the completed form alongwith relevant documents to our India address :
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
Click here to download the 'Signature Change' request form.
Also attach any one of the following as proof of your changed signature:
- Any government issued photo identity document having a seal / stamp of government authority as a proof of current signature on the form
- New signature attested by another Banker / Indian Embassy / Notary
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the ' Signature Change Form'.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
How can I update my Contact number?
You can call our 24 X 7 customer care to get your contact details updated. Please click here for details of our customer care.
How can I update my E-mail ID ?
You can place the request for 'Update Email Id' by logging into your internet banking. Click here to log in to your internet banking.
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
How do I register for E-statement facility on my account?
You can register for E-statement facility by applying Online through an option available through Internet Banking.
Alternatively, you can click here to download the 'Registration Form' and mail it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the registration form.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
How can I repatriate funds from my NRE/FCNR/RFC account?
You can repatriate funds in two ways:
Demand Draft
Wire Transfer
You can place a request for Repatriation from fixed deposit through any of the following modes: You can request for “Repatriation of Funds” by applying Online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet Banking.
Alternatively, you can click here to download the request form for 'Outward Repatriation of Funds' and mail it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited, RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates Chandivali Farm Road,
Chandivali Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA Andheri-East,
Mumbai- 400072 INDIA.
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the request. To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
In case of Fixed Deposit closure wherever currency conversion is involved, w.e.f 1st April 2011, ICICI Bank Ltd. will levy the revised service tax as per the Service Tax Rules (1994) amended by Ministry of Finance (Govt. Of India) vide Notification No. 26/2011 – Service Tax, on 31st March, 2011.
* Repatriation of funds will be subject to regulations of relevant jurisdiction as existing from time to time
Can I link all my credit card to Savings account under a single user ID?
Yes.You can request to link all your savings account under one user Id by applying Online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet banking.
Alternatively, you can click here to download the request form, and mail it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited
Internet Banking Department
6th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Andheri-East, Mumbai- 400072
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'request form'.To refer to the updated list of our branches please,
Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
Can I link all my loan account to Savings account under a single user ID?
Yes.You can request to link all your savings account under one user ID by applying Online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet banking.
Alternatively, you can Click here to download the request form, and mail it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited
Internet Banking Department
6th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'request form'. To refer to the updated list of our branches please,
Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
Can I link my all my Saving accounts under a single user ID?
Yes.You can request to link all your savings account under one user ID by applying Online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet banking.
Alternatively, you can click here to download the request form, and mail it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited
Internet Banking Department
6th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Andheri-East, Mumbai- 400072
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'request form'.To refer to the updated list of our branches please,
Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
Open an account Now
How can I request for reissue of my Internet Banking Password?
There are two ways to generate your Password:
- Generate it online
- Request through any of the following ways for a password to be mailed to you physically. It will be dispatched within 7 working days at your mailing address.
- Call our 24-hour Customer Care
- Visit your nearest ICICI Bank branch
How can I activate my disabled internet banking user ID?
You can activate the user ID by calling our 24-hour Customer Care service numbers or by sending the duly signed request letter at the below address
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the duly signed request letter.
I have forgotten/ not received my user ID and Password, how can I obtain them?
If you have forgotten your Internet Banking user ID or have not yet received it, please call our 24-hour Customer Care Centre to get the same.
All you will need to do is authenticate yourself and ask for your user ID. You can also request for a new password if you have forgotten the same.
The password would be couriered to you on your address available with the bank.
Your passwords cannot be given on telephone for security reasons.
How do I add a payee on internet banking to transfer funds
Please Log into Internet banking section on ICICI Bank website.
- Under Funds Transfer section select ‘Add Payee’.
- Infinity system would send an URN on your registered email address.
- Please accesses ‘confirm payee’ link on Infinity.
- You will be prompted for the URN.
- On successful validation the payee is added.
How can I register for Mobile Banking facility?
You can subscribe for Mobile Banking by downloading the 'Registration form', filling it up and mailing it with relevant documents to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
Click here to download the Mobile banking registration form.
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'Registration Form'. Please ensure that you carry a valid identity proof when you visit the branch. To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
How can I request for a New Cheque Book?
You can request for a Cheque Book by applying Online and placing the request through "Service Request" option available in your Internet Banking.
You can also make a Cheque Book request by calling our 24-hour Customer Care
Alternatively, you can click here to download the request form, and mail it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit 'Cheque Book request' form.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
* Charges will be as per applicable service charges.
How can I request for Stop Payment?
You can request for Stop Payment by applying Online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet Banking.
Alternatively, you can make a request by contacting our 24-hour Customer Care
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit a request letter. To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
* Charges will be as per applicable service charges.
How can I register a mandate on my account?
To register a mandate holder for your account, you need to download the request form, fill it and send it to your proposed mandate holder. The Mandate Registration form has to be signed by both the Account holder and the Mandate holder.
Click Here to download the 'Add a Mandate' request form.
The mandate holder then needs to visit an ICICI Bank branch and submit the request form along with the relevant documents.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
Mandate holder is required to submit a recent photograph and a copies of relevant Identity and Address proof along with the form. The photocopies of the documents have to be self-attested. Also the original documents have to be carried for verification.
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
What are the service charges for my savings account?
Click here to view service charges for NRE Savings Account.
How can I cancel a mandate from my account?
To cancel the mandate updated on your account, you need to send the request form,completely filled to your mandate holder.
Click Here to download the 'Cancel Mandate from my account' request form.The mandate cancellation form has to duly signed by the account holders and the mandate.
Your mandate holder can submit the form to us in any of the ways mentioned below:
By mailing it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Andheri-East, Mumbai- 400072
By visiting any ICICI Bank branch and submitting the request.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
How can I update new mandate on my account ?
To change the mandate holder on your account, you are required to download the Mandate Updation form, which has to be duly signed by the account holder(s), the existing mandate holder and also the person you wish to appoint as the mandate. (new mandate holder)
The new mandate holder then needs to visit an ICICI Bank branch and submit the request form alongwith the relevant documents.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
The new Mandate holder is also required to submit a recent photograph and a copies of relevant Identity and Address proof along with the form. The photocopies of the documents have to be self-attested. Also the original documents have to be carried for verification.
Click here to download the 'Update new Mandate in my account' request form.
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
What are the facilities and rights available to the mandate holder?
A mandate holder is entitled to Operate the NRI account locally.
He / she can issue cheques for local payments on behalf of the account holder.
He/ she can open fixed deposits on behalf of account holder.
He / she can execute all instructions except the following:
Closure of fixed deposits
Repatriation of funds to anyone other than the account holder
Gifting of funds
How can I register a nominee on my account?
To register a Nominee, Click here to download the 'Add a Nominee- DA1 form' ', fill it up and mail to our India address :
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
Please Note that :
- The nomination form has to be signed by all the account holders and witnessed simultaneously. A witness for the nomination form is mandatory. He / she can be any person known to the account holder as well as the nominee
- The signature of the nominee is not required on the nomination form. One witness (known to the account holder as well as the nominee) is required to attest thumb impression(s) / sign on the form
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'DA1 Form'.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
If you still do not wish to register a nominee, please send us a letter cum 'No Nominee declaration'.
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
How can I cancel a nominee in my account?
You can download the ' Nominee Cancellation- DA2 form' request and mail it to our India address :
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
Click here to download the 'Cancel Nomination in my account – DA2 form'.
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the Cancel Nomination in my account – DA2 form'.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
How can I Update a nominee in my account?
You can download the 'Nominee Updation- DA3 form' request form and mail it to our India address :
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
Click here to download the 'Update new Nominee – DA3' form.
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'Update new Nominee – DA3' form.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
How can I declare for “No nominee” on my account?
You can download the 'No Nominee Declaration' , and mail it to our India address :
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
Click Here to download the ''No Nominee Declaration' .
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'No Nominee Declaration - D1 '. For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
Can I nominate more than one person for one account?
No, only 1 person can be nominated for an account
Can I register different nominees for different accounts?
Yes, you can have separate nominations for different accounts.
If I register a nominee when I open the account, do I have to fill in the nomination every time I make a new deposit?
No, you don't have to go through the same procedure every time. ICICI Bank allows NRIs to give a one-time instruction to make the nominee applicable for all accounts.
How can I request for closure of my Savings account?
You can request for Account Closure by downloading the 'Account Closure' request form, filling it up and mailing it to our India address:
ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072
Click here to download the 'Account Closure' request form.
Please note that in case your account is currently in inactive / dormant status, you are required to activate your account before submitting the request for closure.Click here to download the account activation request form.
If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.
You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'Account Closure' request.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here
For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website
* Charges will be as per applicable service charges.
How do I register myself under "Do not call"?
If you wish to register yourself under DNC, you may visit and register yourself under the “Do not call” option present at the bottom of your screen. Please note that we will take 15 days from registration to process your request.
Please note that even if you register under DNC you will continue to receive important bank communication viz. account statements, revision of charges etc.
I have already registered under “Do not call”. However, I have been receiving promotional calls/ emails from you?
I have already registered under “Do not call”. However, I have been receiving promotional calls/ emails from you?
Please write to us mentioning your name, country, telephone numbers (Format: ISD- Area code and number for landline numbers, and ISD- Number for mobile numbers) and email ID. Alternatively, you may email us at to register yourself. Please note that we need atleast 15 days from the receipt of your details to process your request.c
My country is not reflecting in the drop down menu present on the site. What should I do?
Please write to us mentioning your name, country, telephone numbers (Format: ISD- Area code and number for landline numbers, and ISD- Number for mobile numbers) and email ID. Alternatively, you may email us at to register yourself. Please note that we need atleast 15 days from the receipt of your details to process your request.
Please note that we need atleast 15 days from the receipt of your details to process your request.
What are the modes of funding an NRI account from overseas?
You can transfer funds to your ICICI Bank NRE / NRO savings account using any of the following money transfer options:
Online modes :
Online money transfer modes offer the convenience of transferring money through the internet from the comfort of your home.
Money2India* is an Internet based money transfer tracking service offering features like:
- Anytime, anywhere access
- Online tracking of funds
- Competitive exchange rates
- 24 hour customer care which you can access vide toll free phone and / or email
To start using the Money2India facility, you have to complete a one-time instant online registration. For more details and registration please visit *Money2India is available only in Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, UK ,USA and UAE.
Offline Modes
Wire Transfer:
Wire Transfer facility is one of the easiest offline methods of transferring money to India from any part of the world. This facility is available for most countries and can be used for large value transfers.
To initiate a wire transfer, you have to visit your local bank abroad and provide wire transfer instructions.
Exchange house transfers
ICICI Bank has tie-ups with 24 key Exchange houses and Correspondent banks in Gulf Cooperation Council** locations, which provide several fund transfer facilities such as Insta-Transfers, I-Express, Speed Remittance and INR DD Facilities.
Foreign Currency Cheques
Foreign Currency Cheque is a cheque drawn on foreign banks in a foreign currency. These cheques can be deposited to the beneficiary's NRE Savings Account.
INR Cheques
You can draw INR cheques from other NRE Savings Account in favour of your ICICI Bank NRE savings account. You can draw INR cheques from any account in favour of your ICICI Bank NRO savings account.
Please note that some of the modes of transfer mentioned above may or may not be available to you depending upon your country of residence.
**Gulf Cooperation Council includes - Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman and United Arab Emirates
You can transfer funds to your ICICI Bank NRE / NRO savings account using any of the following money transfer options: Online modes : Online money transfer modes offer the convenience of transferring money through the internet from the comfort of your home. Money2India* is an Internet based money transfer tracking service offering features like: Anytime, anywhere access Online tracking of funds Competitive exchange rates 24 hour customer care which you can access vide toll free phone and / or email To start using the Money2India facility, you have to complete a one-time instant online registration. For more details and registration please visit *Money2India is available only in Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, UK ,USA and UAE. Offline Modes Wire Transfer: Wire Transfer facility is one of the easiest offline methods of transferring money to India from any part of the world. This facility is available for most countries and can be used for large value transfers. To initiate a wire transfer, you have to visit your local bank abroad and provide wire transfer instructions. Exchange house transfers ICICI Bank has tie-ups with 24 key Exchange houses and Correspondent banks in Gulf Cooperation Council** locations, which provide several fund transfer facilities such as Insta-Transfers, I-Express, Speed Remittance and INR DD Facilities. Foreign Currency Cheques Foreign Currency Cheque is a cheque drawn on foreign banks in a foreign currency. These cheques can be deposited to the beneficiary's NRE Savings Account. INR Cheques You can draw INR cheques from other NRE Savings Account in favour of your ICICI Bank NRE savings account. You can draw INR cheques from any account in favour of your ICICI Bank NRO savings account. Please note that some of the modes of transfer mentioned above may or may not be available to you depending upon your country of residence. **Gulf Cooperation Council includes - Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman and United Arab Emirates
How can you withdraw funds from your NRI accounts in India?
Ways of withdrawing funds from NRE / NRO accounts in India:
- INR cheque at a branch in India
- Over the counter (OTC) withdrawal at a branch through a withdrawal slip
- At an ATM in India using your Debit cum ATM card
How can you make payments to individuals / companies from your NRI accounts?
You can make payments to Individuals through the following Channels:
1. Internet Banking
- Login into your internet banking account
- Select 'Funds Transfer' under ‘Service Requests’
- Do a one time payee registration by filling in relevant details of the payee. Whenever a payment is to be made, select the payee and enter amount to be transferred.
- Enter the relevant details, grid card values given at the back of your debit card to authenticate the transaction.
Note: For high value transaction use the RTGS facility.
2. Cheque
You can issue a cheque from your NRI account.
3. Branch in India
Visit you nearest branch and place a request for your funds transfer.
Permitted Transfers to Individuals | ||||
Sending From | ||||
Sending To | NRE | NRO | Resident | |
NRE | Internet Banking Cheque Through Branch in India | Internet Banking Cheque Through Branch in India | Internet Banking Cheque Through Branch in India | |
NRO | Restricted. Refer NRO to NRE Transfers* | Internet Banking Cheque Through Branch in India | Internet Banking Cheque Through Branch in India | |
Resident | Not Permitted | Internet Banking Cheque Through Branch in India | Not Applicable |
Making payments to companies in India in Rupees | |||
Scenario | Channel | Process | |
From ICICI NRO/ NRE a/c to INR /ac of Company | Bill Payment through Internet Banking | Login in your internet banking account -> Bill Pay ->Register for a new Biller ->Enter biller details including the Category and State. | |
Standing Instructions | You can also set Standing Instruction for payments to be made by calling our 24-hour Customer Care or visiting your nearest branch in India | ||
Cheque /Demand Draft | You can issue a cheque / Demand Draft from your NRE / NRO account | ||
NEFT/ RTGS request at a Branch in India | Visit you nearest branch and place a request for your funds transfer | ||
Branch in India | Visit you nearest branch and place a request for your funds transfer |
How can I transfer money overseas from my NRI accounts?
Fund Transfer to an overseas account from NRE account: You can take money overseas from your NRE account without any restriction. This can be done in the following ways: Internet Banking:
- Login into your Internet Banking account
- Select service request option online
- Select repatriation from NRE SB A/c via DD OR
- Select repatriation from NRE SB A/C via wire transfer.
Branch : You can also place the request at a branch in India.
Fund Transfer to an overseas account from NRO account: The transfer of money overseas from NRO accounts is limited to USD one million per financial year. Also, the following documents are required to be submitted for such transfers : Form 15 CA -This is an undertaking that needs to given by the account holder.
- Form 15 CB – This is a document that is to be certified by a Chartered Accountant.
- Funds transfer request letter
- On the basis of Form 15 CB (the CA certificate), Form 15 CA has to be filled online. The printout generated from this site has to then be signed by the remitter and submitted along with Form 15CB to the branch from where the remittance is being made.
- Document proving source of funds
All these documents are to submitted at the branch from where the remittance / transfer is being made.
How can you add a joint holder to your account?
You can visit your nearest branch with the following documents to add a joint holder to your account:
- Request form for addition of Joint applicant
- Proof of Identity
- NRI Status proof, if the joint holder is being added to an NRE Savings Account
- Relationship proof with existing holder account ; if not provided then address proof of the joint applicant will be required
All documents must be self-attested by respective account holders.
Click here to know more.
You can also post these documents at the following address:
ICICI Bank Ltd
RPC – NRI Cell
Autumn Estate, 5th Floor, "A" Wing,
Near Mhada, Chandivali, Andheri (E),
Mumbai – 400 072, India
Please note:
- For NRE accounts , the joint holder must also be an NRI.
- For NRO account , the joing holder must be a resident Indian.
Global Savings Account related to GIFT CITY
- Charges for inter and intra-currency transfers and for transactions between GIFT City1 Account and local banks – For Outward remittance, ICICI Bank IBU2 charges CCY 10 for each transaction along with applicable exchange charges for cross currency. Additionally, the charges by the correspondent / intermediate bank will be levied on the customer
- FEMA3 / RBI guidelines on remittance limits that can affect transactions in the GIFT City Account – Under the LRS4, resident individuals can remit up to USD 250000 per financial year for permissible current or capital account transactions as per RBI circular on July 10, 2024 regarding ‘Remittances to International Financial Services Centres (IFSC) under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS)’ and IFSCA5 circular on December 13, 2025
- Branch Banking support in case of emergency such as a lost Debit Card – For loss of Debit Card, customer can contact the Customer Care services for support
- Clarification on whether transfers between the GIFT City Account and the Indian NRI6 account are considered as remittances and liable for charges / taxes – As fund transfers do not attract any tax implications, customers can remit the funds from their account with ICICI Bank, IBU to their other account in India and the Bank will not deduct any charges towards tax or duties on that transaction from a taxation perspective
- Partnerships with local employers / firms or other entities for direct credit of salary into the GIFT City Account – Currently we do not have any partnerships with local employers / firms or other entities for direct credit of salary into the GIFT City Account
- Status of the account if NRI status / residency in foreign country ends and the customer needs to return to India – In such scenarios, GIFT City Global Savings Account needs to be closed.
1GIFT City - Gujarat International Finance Tec-City.
2IBU – IFSC Banking Unit.
3FEMA – Foreign Exchange Management Act.
4LRS - Liberalised Remittance Scheme.
5IFSCA - International Financial Services Centres Authority.
6NRI – Non-Resident Indian.