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Prepaid Cards

What is RBI DEAF Scheme?

As per the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Circular on Depositor Education Awareness Fund (DEAF) dated Mar 21, 2014, funds in accounts/ deposits/ cards that are inoperative/ unclaimed for 10 years or more will be transferred to RBI's DEAF Scheme.

For example: A card has expired on Jan 1, 2015. The unutilised balance on this card will be due for transfer to the RBI DEAF Scheme on or after Jan 1, 2025. The cardholder will receive quarterly reminders through SMS/E-mail to claim the unutilised funds before that date.

Note: Please ignore SMS/E-mail if you have already claimed the refund or new replacement card has been issued.

How can I claim the unutilised amount of my ICICI Bank Card?

You can claim any unutilised amount by:

  • Writing to us at from your registered e-mail ID
  • Calling our Customer Care on 18001080
  • Visiting any Branch

Note: Please ignore SMS/E-mail if you have already claimed the refund or new replacement card has been issued.

How can I initiate a request for a replacement of my card?

Request for replacement card can be initiated by calling our Customer Care on 18001080

Can I get a refund for the unutilised amount?

Yes, you can get a refund of the unutilised amount/ card replacement. However, this is as per the discretion of the Bank based on the type of product and other details as the case may be.

How can I initiate a refund request?

You can initiate a refund request by submitting the required documents through your registered e-mail ID to or by visiting any ICICI Bank Branch. However, the refund is as per the discretion of the Bank based on the type of product and other details as the case may be.

What are the documents required for a refund process to be initiated?

Documents required for a refund process to be initiated are:

  1. Request letter (format attached in Annexure)
  2. Cancelled cheque
  3. Self attested ID proof.

What are the documents required for a claim in case the cardholder is deceased:

Documents required for a claim are:

  1. Request letter (format attached in Annexure)
  2. Cancelled cheque
  3. Cardholder’s death certificate
  4. Document establishing relationship of legal heir with the Cardholder/Succession Certificate
  5. Nominee/legal heir photo ID proof.

Refund Request Form Annexure

<Mon DD, YYYY>


The Branch Manager

ICICI Bank Limited

Refund of amount transferred to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) DEAF from ICICI Bank Prepaid Card <XX1234>

Dear Sir/Madam,

As per the RBI guidelines on the DEAF scheme dated <May 27, 2014>, the funds from my ICICI Bank Prepaid Card <XX1234> have been transferred to the RBI DEA Fund.

Request you to consider this application as a claim for refund and credit the refund proceeds to my below mentioned Bank account.

Name of Bank:
Account Number:
Account Name:



Date: <Mon DD, YYYY>

Enclosures: Self-attested ID Proof, Cancelled cheque.