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Credit Cards

What is a Chip and PIN Credit Card?

ICICI Bank Chip Credit Cards come with an embedded micro chip which provides additional security against counterfeiting / duplication of the card. It also provides an extra layer of security in the form of a Personal Identification Number (PIN). You will be required to enter your 4-digit PIN on the terminal for transactions at merchant outlets.

When will I receive my PIN?

Your 4-digit PIN will be sent to you separately at your mailing address and should reach you within 7 working days of receiving your Credit Card.

For Ferrari Platinum, Amazon Pay Credit Card, Platinum Chip and Coral MasterCard / VISA cardholders, your 4 digit PIN is sent through SMS on registered mobile number. In case your mobile number is not registered, the PIN is sent separately at your mailing address.

Can I use this PIN for cash withdrawals?

Yes, you can use the same PIN for cash withdrawals through ATMs. Please note that terms of the Cash Withdrawal facility will be as communicated at the time of delivery of your card. For more information on the same, please contact our Customer Care.

Can I use my Chip and PIN credit card overseas?

Yes, you can use your Chip and PIN Credit Card overseas. Please note that in a few countries, Chip and PIN cards are not the market norm and all the Point Of Sale (POS) terminals may not ask for the PIN. In such a scenario, you can continue to use your card by swiping the magnetic stripe.

Will I receive a separate PIN for my Add-on cards?

Yes, you will receive a separate PIN at your mailing address for each Add-on card that has been issued to you.

For Ferrari Platinum, Platinum Chip and Coral MasterCard / VISA cardholders, your 4 digit PIN is sent through SMS on registered mobile number. In case your mobile number is not registered, the PIN is sent separately at your mailing address.

Do I need to register my new Chip and PIN card for 3D Secure for online transactions?

Yes, you will need to register your new Chip and PIN card for 3D Secure (Verified by VISA/ MasterCard SecureCode/American Express Safekey) for online transactions at www.icicibank.com

Would every POS terminal ask for a PIN?

All merchants in India are progressively moving towards Chip and PIN configuration on their terminals. If the terminal is already configured for a Chip and PIN card, it will prompt for a PIN for transactions on the Chip and PIN card. If the terminal is not configured for a Chip and PIN card, you can continue to use your card without entering the PIN.

How do I convert my existing magnetic stripe credit card to Chip and PIN Credit Card ?

Please call our Customer Care to convert your existing magnetic stripe Credit Card to Chip and PIN Credit Card.

Please read the Important Information to know the differences in the Chip and PIN technology used by Visa/MasterCard and American Express Credit Cards to help you use your Credit Cards seamlessly.