
How can I disable the Standing Instruction option?

Click on the delete option to disable the scheduled payments.

Where is the Standing Instruction tab in the ICICI Bank Internet Banking section?

Standing Instruction details are mentioned in the path: Payments & Transfer-> My Transactions ->Scheduled Transactions->Shopping mall Transactions

Where do I find the option of Standing Instruction?

You will be able to find the Standing Instruction option on merchant site after selecting ICICI Bank Net Banking for the transaction payment.

How do I register for the Standing Instruction service?

You can sign up for it while making the payment on the merchant website. You need to define the frequency, trigger amount, maximum amount and tenure of the transaction. The account number selected during the course of registration would be the default account for all future recurring payments.

What if I want to change my scheduled payment date?

You can contact the merchant. However, you need to change the Standing Instruction in order to change the scheduled payment date.

Is there any charges levied by ICICI Bank for this functionality?


There is no charge is levied for Standing Instruction functionality.

How many Standing Instructions can I opt for at a time?

There is no limit to the number of Standing Instructions you can opt for.

What are the features available on the Standing Instructions section on ICICI Bank Internet Banking?

You can check the payment date, reference ID, the status of your scheduled payment and you can also discontinue the Standing Instruction.

What if the transaction fails in Standing Instruction service?

You will get an SMS notification of the same.

How can I schedule payment through Net Banking PG?

Firstly the merchant should be enabled on Standing Instruction Payment Gateway(SIPG) on ICICI Net Banking PG in order to accept Standing Instructions. If the merchant is enabled than, you may choose the Standing Instruction/ Transaction   Standing Instruction payment option available on the merchant site in order to schedule the payment.

What should I do in case the Standing Instruction functionality doesn't occurs on merchant website?

You need to contact the merchant to check if the merchant is enabled for Standing Instructions on ICICI Net Banking Payment Gateway(PG) or not.

After choosing the option of Standing Instruction transaction, do I need to initiate my transaction again on the scheduled date?

No, the merchant will initiate the transaction on your behalf.

When the transaction happens, would I be notified?

Yes. You will receive a SMS notification on your registered mobile number.