Bank Accounts

What is the minimum amount with which I can open a NRE Fixed Deposit?

The minimum amount to open an NRE Fixed Deposit is INR 25,000

Are my NRE Fixed Deposits funds repatriable?

Yes, the principal amount and interest earned are fully repatriable.

Is interest earned on NRE Fixed Deposit taxable in India?

No, Interest earned on NRE Fixed Deposit Account is not taxable in India.

What is the tenure for which I can open a NRE Fixed Deposit?

You can maintain an NRE Fixed Deposit for 1-10 years.

Can I have a joint account holder for this account?

Yes. You can hold this Account jointly with other Non-Resident Indian(s) and Resident Indians*.You can also register nomination for this account

*This can be opened only with relatives and mode of operation shall be as Former or Survivor as per which only the Primary applicant shall have rights for Financial and Non-Financial transactions.

What will happen to my fixed deposits once it matures and I forget about it?

We will automatically renew the fixed deposits and it will keep earning you attractive interest rates. However, if you open the account under non-auto renewal mode, you must give us written maturity instructions.

Will I get a Cheque Book and an ATM-cum-Debit Card when I open an FCNR /NRE/NRO/RFC Fixed Deposit?

No, you will not get a cheque book or an ATM-cum-debit card with your Fixed Deposit

How can I renew my FD?

You can request for FD Renewal by applying online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet Banking.

Alternatively, you can click here to download the request form and mail it to our India address:

ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072

If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.

You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'Renewal of Term Deposit' Request form. To refer to the updated list of our branches please,Click here

In caseof further queries, please write through Email us or call our 24-hour Phone Banking Services

How can I repatriate funds from my NRE/FCNR/RFC account?

You can repatriate funds in two ways:

Demand Draft
Wire Transfer

You can place a request for Repatriation from fixed deposit through any of the following modes:

You can request for “Repatriation of Funds” by applying Online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet Banking. Alternatively, you can click here to download the request form for 'Outward Repatriation of Funds' and mail it to our India address:

ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072

If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.

You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the request. To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here

For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website In case of Fixed Deposit closure wherever currency conversion is involved, w.e.f 1st April 2011, ICICI Bank Ltd. will levy the revised service tax as per the Service Tax Rules (1994) amended by Ministry of Finance (Govt. Of India) vide Notification No. 26/2011 – Service Tax, on 31st March, 2011.Please click here to know the slabwise service tax structure.

* Repatriation of funds will be subject to regulations of relevant jurisdiction as existing from time to time

How can I request for closure of Fixed Deposits?

You can request for a Closure of Deposits by applying Online through "Service Request" option available in your Internet Banking.

Alternatively, you can click here to download the request form and mail it to our India address:

ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072

If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.

You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'Account Closure' Request.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here

For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website

Can I close my NRE Fixed deposit prematurely?

Yes, you can close your NRE Fixed Deposit before maturity. Interest will be calculated at the rate applicable for the period the Deposit has actually remained with ICICI Bank plus applicable penalty. The table below provides charges that are applicable for premature closure
Deposit Amount Premature penalty clause on completion of one year

Original Tenure of Deposit Penal rates (in %)
Less than INR 50 million INR 50 million & above
1 year & above but less than 5 years 1.00 1.00
5 years and above 1.00 1.50

If the deposit is closed before 12 months from the date of deposit, no interest is payable, and thus no penalty will be charged. This is because the minimum duration of an NRE Fixed Deposit is 1 year.

Interest will be paid at the rate which is applicable for the period deposit has remained with the bank (after adjusting the penalty as mentioned above).

Example: If a deposit below INR 100 million was originally booked for 3 yrs, and it is prematurely closed after 2.5 years, then you would get interest applicable for 2 year deposit at the time of booking the original Fixed Deposit.

Can I appoint a mandate holder for my FCNR/RFC/NRE/NRO Fixed Deposits accounts?

No, a mandate holder can be appointed only for operating savings account

How can I register a nominee on my account?

To register a Nominee, Click here to download the 'Add a Nominee- DA1 form' ', fill it up and mail to our India address :

ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072

Please Note that :

  • The nomination form has to be signed by all the account holders and witnessed simultaneously. A witness for the nomination form is mandatory. He / she can be any person known to the account holder as well as the nominee
  • The signature of the nominee is not required on the nomination form. One witness (known to the account holder as well as the nominee) is required to attest thumb impression(s) / sign on the form

If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.

You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'DA1 Form'.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here

If you still do not wish to register a nominee, please send us a letter cum 'No Nominee declaration'.

For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website

How can I cancel a nominee in my account?

You can download the ' Nominee Cancellation- DA2 form' request and mail it to our India address :

ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072

Click here to download the 'Cancel Nomination in my account – DA2 form'.

If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.

You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the Cancel Nomination in my account – DA2 form'.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here

For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Careor write to us through "Email us" option, at our website

How can I update a new nominee on my account?

You can download the 'Nominee Updation- DA3 form' request form and mail it to our India address :

ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072

Click here to download the 'Update new Nominee – DA3' form.

If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.

You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'Update new Nominee – DA3' form.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here

For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website

How can I declare for “No nominee” on my account?

You can download the 'No Nominee Declaration' , and mail it to our India address :

ICICI Bank Limited,
RPC Mumbai,
5th Floor, A-Wing, Autumn Estates
Chandivali Farm Road, Chandivali
Land Mark:Next to Chandivali Studio, Opp MHADA
Mumbai- 400072

Click Here to download the ''No Nominee Declaration' .

If you are an NRI in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore and UAE, you can simply post your documents to the local P.O. Box in your respective countries and save on courier charges.

You can also visit any ICICI Bank branch in India and submit the 'No Nominee Declaration - D1 '.To refer to the updated list of our branches please, Click here

For any clarification or more information, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care or write to us through "Email us" option, at our website

Can I nominate more than one person for one account?

No, only 1 person can be nominated for an account

Can I register different nominees for different accounts?

Yes, you can have separate nominations for different accounts.

If I register a nominee when I open the account, do I have to fill in the nomination every time I make a new deposit?

No, you don't have to go through the same procedure every time. ICICI Bank allows NRIs to give a one-time instruction to make the nominee applicable for all accounts.

Can I get loans against my NRE fixed deposits?

Yes, you can get up to 90% of your fixed deposit as loan.