Being Responsible Being Sustainable

The Banyan Tree, India’s national tree, symbolises strength and cultural unity. Revered as a symbol of sustainability and interconnectedness in Indian culture, it plays a vital role in the environment by providing shelter, nourishment and protection to various forms of bird and animal species, and humans. These attributes of the Banyan tree resonate with ICICI Bank’s environmental, social and governance agenda of creating value for all stakeholders, and preserving and promoting environmental sustainability for a better tomorrow.

About the Report

Sustainability is integral to ICICI Bank’s philosophy and is embedded in each of its business functions. The Bank continues to take focussed initiatives to drive its sustainability journey.

Focus Areas of ESG Policy

Red outline of two hands cradling a circular icon with the Indian Rupee symbol, representing financial protection and care.

Responsible Financing

Red outline of a hand supporting a small plant with two leaves, symbolizing growth, nurturing, and environmental care.

Environmental Sensitivity in the Bank’s Operations

Red outline of two person silhouettes, one larger in the foreground and one smaller in the background, representing community or teamwork

Our Customers

Red outline of three person silhouettes, arranged in a triangular formation, representing collaboration, teamwork, or a group

Our Employees

Red outline of four-person silhouettes, arranged in a square formation, symbolizing teamwork, community, or collaboration.


Red outline of a document with a shield featuring a checkmark, representing secure or verified documents.

Corporate Governance

Red outline of a computer monitor displaying a folder with a padlock symbol, representing secure file storage or data protection.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Governance Framework

Red outline of a person figure with a gear and two circular arrows, representing process management, workflow, or operational efficiency.

Stakeholder Engagement and Accountability

Message from the Chairman

We have set ourselves the goal of becoming carbon neutral in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by fiscal 2032.

Girish Chandra Chaturvedi Chairman

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A professional portrait of Chairman wearing a dark suit, tie, and glasses, posing against a light peach background

Message from the Executive Director

In fiscal 2024, we continued our efforts towards reducing the Bank’s emissions from our own operations through mechanisms to adopt more green power.

Sandeep Batra Executive Director

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Carbon Neutral by Fiscal 2032

ICICI Bank has formulated a long-term vision for enhancing sustainability and becoming carbon neutral in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions

  • Reduced its total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 15.7% during fiscal 2024 over previous fiscal.

‘Net Zero Waste’ Certification

Received for Service Centre at BKC, Mumbai

Trees Planted (in million)


Fiscal 2024


Since fiscal 2022

27.5 million

A4 sized papers



Trees saved

*As per estimates, 17 trees can be saved from one tonne of A-4 sized paper. During the fiscal, the Bank has saved over 120 tonnes of paper.

25.8 billion

Litres annual water harvesting capacity created






Water bodies


Offices with 4.95 million sq. ft. area is IGBC-certified



Football grounds

**A standard football field is of 57,600 sq. ft.

CSR activity in Rural Schools

1,950 kW

Solar capacity created in 770 schools in fiscal 2024

9,970 kW

Solar capacity created in 3,180 schools since fiscal 2022

Renewable Energy Consumption in the Bank’s Own Operations (in million kWh)

All numbers are at March 31, 2024

Lives Positively Impacted (in million)


In 250 districts across India



By healthcare initiatives



Through livelihood programmes



By societal development interventions

Societal Welfare


Pedestrian bridges built in Himalayan region since fiscal 2022

Empowering Women through SHGs (in million)


In fiscal 2024


Since inception

Broad-based Board of Directors (13)


Independent Directors


Executive Directors

(at March 31, 2024)

Robust Role and Independence of the Board

Independent Directors

  • Chair most committees
  • Constitute the majority on most committees
  • The Board’s supervisory role is separated from the executive management
  • 10 committees formed to oversee critical functions of the Bank
  • Performance of the Board is assessed on multiple parameters by independent external agency
Strengthened Climate Risk Management
  • Introduced sectoral analysis of hard-to-abate sectors
  • Expanded the ESG risk assessment tool to more sectors
  • Integrated ESG assessment in credit evaluation of lending proposals above a certain threshold for large corporates

Outstanding Sustainable Financing portfolio grew to ₹685.28 billion
at March 31, 2024

Green financing portfolio was ₹193.66 billion at March 31, 2024

  • ~ 50% of this was for financing renewable energy
Cybersecurity and Data Protection Governance

Multiple levels of management oversight with ultimate responsibility lying with the Board of Directors

Dedicated Cybersecurity Incident Response Team (CSIRT) to respond to security incidents

The Bank’s Personal Data Protection Standard ensures personal data is kept secured

Key Principles of Customer Rights Policy

Right to Fair Treatment

Right to Transparency

Fair and Honest Dealing

Right to Suitability

Right to Privacy

Right to Grievance Redressal and Compensation

ICICI Bank’s Contribution to UN SDGs

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) is an action-oriented framework encompassing economic, social and environmental aspects that aims to transform the lives and livelihood of people. India has endorsed the UNSDGs, implemented suitable policy frameworks and is adopting several initiatives to meet its commitments. Significant strides have been made on issues like poverty eradication, sustainable growth, health, nutrition, gender equality, quality education, among others. Accelerated action in areas like environment and climate change are undertaken to meet the commitments under the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). At ICICI Bank, we are consistently drawing on these ambitions set out to transform India and sharing the vision of prosperity for its people and the planet.

Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment

The Bank is committed to inclusion, economic development and sustainable growth of all its stakeholders

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A visual representation of the ESG stakeholder engagement process, showing a series of upward steps labeled with stages: Stakeholder Identification, Identifying the Universe of Relevant ESG Topics, Stakeholder Consultation, Data Collection and Analysis, and Calibration of Results. Each step is illustrated with icons symbolizing the respective stages, indicating a progressive approach to stakeholder engagement and ESG analysis.