Water Conserved

17.1 billion litres

Water harvesting potential created annually


Schools benefitted from rainwater harvesting


Restoration of water bodies

11 billion litres

Water saved annually through System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Alternate Dry and Wet (ADW) sustainable farming methods

Trees Planted

1.4 million

In fiscal 2023

2.6 million

Since inception

Green Energy

17.08 million kWh

Renewable energy used in fiscal 2023 in own premises


IGBC certifications for Business Centres (branches) and offices covering 4.42 million sq. ft. area, a little over one-third area of the Bank

1.35 tCO2e to 1.16 tCO2e

Carbon emission reduced per Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employee from fiscal 2022 to fiscal 2023

Over 2,000

Schools were solar powered with a total capacity of 5 MW in fiscal 2023

tCO2e – Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. It is a standard unit for counting GHG emissions

One Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employee = One full time employee working on a full time schedule over the year

Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) certification is assessed on the key metrics of energy efficiency, use of renewable energy, water conservation, waste management, indoor air quality and sustainable sourcing of material among others

Lives Positively Impacted

10.9 million

Across all states and union territories since inception

1.5 million


2.9 million


6.5 million

Societal Development


₹ 12 billion

Committed to Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) in June 2023 to set up three new buildings for cancer care and equip them with state-of-the-art machines


Patients will be treated annually, doubling the capacity of these centres


Individuals supported for availing treatment in fiscal 2023


Hospitals supported till March 31, 2023

Broad-based Board of Directors (11)


Independent Directors


Executive Directors

Robust Role of the Board

Independent Directors

They constitute the majority on most committees

They chair most committees

Performance evaluation of Board, Committees and Directors by independent external agency

ESG Governance

Set up a dedicated ESG team to lead ESG and CSR initiatives; regular updates on the ESG actionables and progress provided to Risk Committee

Developed a Framework for Sustainable Financing; the Bank's outstanding Sustainable Financing portfolio was

₹ 556 billion at March 31, 2023

Introduced the Suppliers’ Code of Conduct

  • For vendors providing infrastructure-related services
  • Taking steps to align vendors’ plans with the Bank

Set guidelines for green procurement in own operations

Limited assurance undertaken for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions

Cybersecurity and Data Protection / Privacy Governance

Multiple levels of management oversight with ultimate responsibility lying with the Board of Directors

External review of privacy maturity assessment in fiscal 2023 placed the Bank’s data privacy practices above industry benchmark

Benchmarking assessment put the Bank’s cybersecurity posture at par with global banks

Tenets of Risk and Compliance Culture Policy

'Fair to Customer, Fair to Bank'

One Bank, One Team

Return of Capital is Paramount

Agile Risk Management

Compliance with Conscience