Half Time is near

Half-Time is near
Your life is like a game of football. As you near your mid 40s and 50s, the second half of your life begins. You have spent the first half of your life fulfilling your professional and personal responsibilities. Now, it's time to check how well prepared you are, to relive your life and make a smooth transition to retirement.
Know your Game Plan
Having a game plan to net your goals is a lot like charting out a plan to meet your retirement goals. You need to know your plan well.

Get ready
As you lace up to re-enter the game, be ready to face the transition. A transition which will not only be emotional and social, but also physical, intellectual, and financial. Make sure you don't get caught on the offside.
Wear your pride
There is a certain pride you've enjoyed with your career. For the next half of your life prepare to put on different hats, to wear your pride, passions and dreams. Plan for it and gear up to defend well; just like a game of football.

Take the sign
Plan well – before your dreams show up a red card and you are out of the game. This is the time to think through the health challenges ahead, both for you and your loved ones, your capacity to take risks, your contingency plan for emergencies and readiness to meet personal retirement goals.
Here are
a few tips


Assess the retirement corpus required
Invest, to fill the gap in the retirement corpus

Pay off your debts
Reduce equity exposure

Consolidate your investments
Rebalance your portfolio

Have a contingency plan
Track your investment portfolio

Create your will
Take an additional health cover

Create your social network, beyond work

Follow your passion
Shift to healthy food habits

Make physical exercise a part of your daily routine
Find your purpose, beyond work

Prepare for a life with kids settling away
Build a new identity

Take up a social service of any kind
This transition can feel like a major life change for you. But just like in football, players need a good coach, you too should have a trusted source to guide you through this transition. Make sure you have the best time, past half-time!
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