Mr. Radhakrishnan Nair, Independent Director

Mr. Radhakrishnan Nair
Independent Director, ICICI Bank Limited


Mr. Radhakrishnan Nair holds degrees in Science, Securities Laws, Management and Law. He has around forty years of experience in the banking industry and in the field of securities and insurance regulation. He started his banking career with Corporation Bank in August 1976 and in 2003 he became General Manager, in charge of Recovery Management Division, Legal Service Division and Credit Risk Management Division and development of priority sector lending and regional rural banks.

He has also served as the Managing Director of Corporation Bank Securities Limited. During his tenure at Corporation Bank, he was responsible for development of priority sector lending and regional rural bank which covered the areas of agriculture, small scale industry and other priority sector areas. In July 2005, he became an Executive Director at Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), where he handled the Investment Management Department (mutual funds, venture capital funds and foreign venture capital investors), Corporate Debt Department, Economic and Policy Analysis Department, Office of Investor Assistance and Education and Surveillance. In March 2010, he joined Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) as Member (Finance and Investment). During his tenure he ushered in new investment and accounting regulations for the life insurance and general insurance sectors. He was also involved in framing the new regulatory architecture for Unit Linked Insurance Plans and also chaired the committee on implementing IFRS and the new corporate governance framework for insurers. He thus has special knowledge and practical experience in, inter alia, accountancy, agriculture and rural economy, banking, co-operation, economics, finance, law, insurance, small scale industry, payment & settlement systems, human resources, risk management and business management.

Mr. Nair has rich and varied experience in branch, regional and corporate banking apart from treasury management and foreign exchange management. He was the Managing Director of Corpbank Securities Limited from 1999 to 2003, a Primary Dealership, licensed by RBI. He was member of the IOSCO sub-committee on Investment Management, Investor Compensation and Protection, Private Equity from 2008 to 2010. At the IAIS he was the nominee on Sub-Committees on accounting, auditing, governance, group supervision, insurance standards and financial stability.

He was SEBI nominee on NACAS from 2005 to 2010, Investor Protection and Compensation Committee (MCA) and IRDA nominee on the RBI Technical Committee on Money, Government Securities and Foreign Exchange Markets, SEBI COBOSAC from 2010 to 2015.

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