Set goals and achieve them with ease
I want to start saving for
16 Months
July 13, 2026
You Save
Interest Earned
16 months
FAQ's for General iWish
What is ICICI Bank iWish?

iWish is a unique deposit which allows you to create goals to save for specific wishes.
These goals are flexible Recurring Deposits with the added benefit of contributing any amount, at any point of time. You earn better interest rates on your Recurring Deposit just like a Fixed Deposit (click here for rate of interest)
Who are eligible to open iWish account?

The account can be opened by an resident individual / HUF who have ICICI Bank Retail Net Banking facility and at least one resident savings account linked to his / her ICICI Bank Retail Net Banking account. This Facilty is not available for Kid-e-bank & NRI A/c.
How do I create a goal in iWish?

Please login to your Internet Banking account Click on “iWish” on the top right hand corner.
- After the iWish page opens, click on “Start Now” from the Goals page.
- At the time of creating the goal you will be required to enter information relating to the goal (Name, Category, Amount and Tenure) and the Initial Deposit Amount.
- You may choose to set up a standing instruction and earn 10 reward points for every standing instruction executed successfully towards your iWish goal.
- You can also choose to share your goal on Facebook.
- After clicking on "Create Goal" your goal will be created instantaneously. You can transfer funds to your goal as soon as your goal is created. However, the goal balance will be displayed within 4 hours from creation of the goal.
- Please note the goal will not be created in case
- There are insufficient funds in your account,
- Your funding account is in a frozen state,
FAQ's for Chhota Savings
What is iWish Chhota Savings?

iWish Chhota Savings is an enabler which helps you reach the target amount faster by rounding off your day-to-day transactions and auto investing the amount in your respective iWish. You can enable this for any one iWish. There are now three round-off options available — Rs 50, Rs 100 and Rs 500.
For example, if you enable Chhota Savings for iWish with a round-off amount of Rs 50, and then you do a fund transfer transaction of Rs 5,020 using Internet Banking and a bill pay transaction of Rs 610 using iMobile app, the amount of these transactions (Rs 5,020 and Rs 610, respectively) will be rounded off to the nearest Rs 50, which is Rs 5,050 and Rs 650, respectively. The next day the Chhota Savings amount of Rs 70 (Rs 30 from Rs 5,020 and Rs 40 from Rs 610) will be debited from your Savings Account and the same will be credited to your iWish (iWish name)
What Rate of Interest (ROI) will I get for iWish enabled for Chhota Savings?

The ROI will remain the same.
Can I cancel the iWish Chhota Savings for any particular transaction?

No, you cannot cancel the iWish Chhota Savings for any transaction. Click here for details of the list of transaction types which are applicable for iWish Chhota Savings.