Offer Details:
Croma |
Discount |
Min. Txn. Amount |
Instruments |
Days |
Retail Stores |
Up to Rs 1,500 |
Rs 30,000 |
CC & DC Full Swipe |
Thursday |
Website |
Up to Rs 1,000 |
Rs 10,000 |
Thursday |
Thursday |
Croma |
Discount |
Min. Txn. Amount |
Instruments |
Days |
Retail Stores |
Up to Rs 2,000 |
Rs 30,000 |
Thursday |
Website |
Up to Rs 1,500 |
Rs 15,000 |
Thursday |
Thursday |
Offer is applicable on Credit and Debit Card Full Swipe transactions and also on Credit and Debit Card EMI Transactions
Offer is not valid on ICICI Bank Amazon Pay Credit Card, Commercial and Corporate Cards
Offer can be availed for maximum 1 transaction on a card per week
Offer Period: 1 October, 2024 to 31 March, 2025
Flat Rs 1,500 instant discount on minimum purchase of Rs 30,000 using ICICI Bank credit/debit card Non EMI transactions at Croma retail outlets PAN India.
Flat Rs 2,000 instant discount on minimum purchase of Rs 30,000 using ICICI Bank credit/debit card EMI transactions at Croma retail outlets PAN India.
Flat Rs 1,000 instant discount on minimum purchase of Rs 10,000 using ICICI Bank credit/debit card Non EMI transactions at website.
Flat Rs 1,500 instant discount on minimum purchase of Rs 15,000 using ICICI Bank credit/debit card EMI transactions at website.
Customer who shall be eligible to the Offer:
ICICI Bank credit cardholder/s (excluding Amazon Pay credit cardholder/s)
ICICI Bank debit cardholder/s
ICICI Bank credit card EMI Transactions (excluding Amazon Pay credit cards)
ICICI Bank debit card EMI Transactions
Offer Period:
Every Thursday from October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024
Kindly visit any Croma retail outlet PAN India or login to
Choose the products as per your preference
Receive the benefit of the Offer using your ICICI Bank credit / debit card on your purchase
- Locate your desired Croma retail outlet from the below link:
ICICI Bank cardholder has to transact at Croma retail outlets PAN India every Thursday for a minimum of Rs 30,000 (Net transaction value) to qualify for the offer during the campaign period.
ICICI Bank cardholder has to transact at website every Thursday for a minimum of Rs 10,000 (Net transaction value) on Non EMI transactions and for a minimum of Rs 15,000 (Net transaction value) on EMI transactions, to qualify for the offer.
Offer is valid from October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
Offer will be applicable on ICICI Bank credit / debit cards & credit / debit card EMI transactions only, as per the below details:
Flat Rs 1,500 instant discount will be applicable on eligible credit/debit card Non EMI transactions at Croma retail outlets.
Flat Rs 2,000 instant discount will be applicable on eligible credit/debit card EMI transactions at Croma retail outlets.
Flat Rs 1,000 instant discount will be applicable on eligible credit/debit card Non EMI transactions at website.
Flat Rs 1,500 instant discount will be applicable on eligible credit/debit card EMI transactions at website.
Offer is not applicable on Amazon Pay credit cards.
Offer is not applicable on UPI, internet banking, business, commercial, & corporate cards of ICICI Bank.
Offer will be applicable for ICICI Bank credit / debit cardholders at a frequency of one transaction per month, i.e., a customer can avail the instant discount for the first valid transaction only during each month of the offer period. Subsequent transactions during the month shall not be applicable for discount.
Net transaction value shall mean the retail price of the products purchased less discount offered to the cardholders at the Croma retail outlets or website.
For EMI transactions on website, the discount will be given in the form of cashback by Croma and will be processed within 90 working days once the product is delivered.
For transactions on website, eligible ICICI Bank cardholder has to select the ICICI Bank offer on the payment page to avail the offer.
Non–eligible customers will receive appropriate error messages at website and can proceed without the offer.
The offer is applicable on a single transaction and bills cannot be clubbed to avail the same.
The offer cannot be clubbed with any other offer.
The offer cannot be combined with brand EMI offer.
The offer will not be applicable on advance invoice.
The offer will be applicable on eligible transactions done only during the days mentioned in the offer details and will not be applicable on any other days during the week.
Instant discount will not be extended to the cardholder if he/she fails to select the bank offer.
Under no circumstance will the discount being offered under this Offer be settled with cash by ICICI Bank or by Infiniti Retail Limited (Croma).
The offer will be valid during the promotion period only which will be at the sole discretion of Infiniti Retail Limited (Croma) and ICICI Bank.
Infiniti Retail Limited (Croma) and ICICI Bank have the right to change or discontinue the offer at any time during the promotion period.
The decision of Infiniti Retail Limited (Croma) and ICICI Bank will be final and binding and any correspondence in this regard will not be entertained.
ICICI Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about the quality, delivery or otherwise of the goods and services or the discount offered by Infiniti Retail Limited.
Any dispute or claim regarding the goods, services and discount must be resolved by the customer/s with Infiniti Retail Limited directly without any reference to ICICI Bank.
ICICI Bank shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss/ damage/ claim that may arise out of use or otherwise of any goods/ services / discount / gift vouchers availed by the customer/s under the said Offer offered by Infiniti Retail Limited.
ICICI Bank reserves the right to disqualify the customer/s from the benefits of the Offer, if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the said Offer or otherwise by use of the Card.
The customer/s shall be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated by Infiniti Retail Limited in this regard.
No substitutions or exchange of Offer, other than what is detailed in the communication sent to the customer/s shall be allowed. However, ICICI Bank reserves the right to substitute and/or change the Offer or any of them, without any intimation or notice, written or otherwise to the customer/s.