Other Governance Initiatives

Business Continuity Management

The Bank has a Business Continuity Management (BCM) plan to ensure continuity of critical services to customers and availability of critical systems during significant disruptions under defined disaster scenarios. In the event of a disaster, the Bank endeavours to resume business and operations to an acceptable level as per the Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) detailed in the plan. The RTO provides guidance for prioritising activities/systems, whenever necessary. There can be various external factors beyond the Bank’s control, which could affect the actual RTOs. The BCM plans are reviewed and maintained to incorporate changes in the organisation or environment and are subject to modification based on the reviews, situations, circumstances, etc. The efficacy of the BCM plan is established through periodic business continuity testing.

The Bank also has a Disaster Recovery (DR) plan to ensure continuity of critical services to customers and availability of identified critical systems during significant disruptions. The DR plan for the identified critical applications are reviewed and maintained to incorporate changes in the application or environment and are subject to modification based on the reviews. The efficacy of the DR plan is established through periodic DR drills.

An illustration of a red briefcase surrounded by circular arrows and checkmarks, symbolizing business processes, workflow management, or continuous improvement.