Human Capital

Onboarding Right Talent

Our culture and people are key elements of our strategy. Our hiring philosophy draws from the cultural anchors of ICICI Bank. In addition, the Bank believes in hiring for attitude and training for skills. Wherever required, the Bank uses personality inventories to better understand the job applicant’s work preferences and behaviours, along with their cultural fitment with its values.

Learning and Growth

To deliver superior customer value, the Bank has invested in training its employees and enhancing their ability to comprehensively serve customers. This has enabled the teams to be agile in responding to the requirements of customers, and to work collaboratively to offer simple and relevant products and solutions to customers.

Risk and Compliance Workshops

Risk and Compliance workshops are conducted for employees in the Bank’s business centres, other retail banking groups, Compliance Group and Wholesale Banking Group (including for Business Heads and Regional Heads). These workshops help to equip them with the necessary skills to make decisions based on the principles set out in the risk and compliance framework of the Bank. Workshops are also conducted as part of the Branch Leadership Programme for Branch Managers.

Branch Leadership Programme

Branch Leadership Programme is the Bank’s flagship training programme for new Branch Managers and Deputy Branch Managers. It is an instructor-led classroom programme focussed on inculcating among them the Bank’s cultural ethos, along with detailing the key aspects of their roles. The programme revolves around Customer 360º ecosystem and micro-market concepts.

Functional Academies

To nurture talent and build domain-specific skills, the Bank has deployed a wide range of functional academies that conduct several programmes. These academies deploy new employees on various teams in the Bank, and also conduct refresher programmes for existing employees.

Digital Academy

In line with the vision of building a scalable, future-ready and data-driven organisation, ICICI Bank continues on its journey of transformation from Bank to BankTech. To meet this objective, identified employees have been trained in skill domains like Application Programming Interface (API) & Micro Services, Cloud Computing, Data Engineering, Software Engineering and Project Management. Programmes on Cyber Security, Technology Infrastructure, UI/UX Design, Artificial Intelligence and Software Testing have also been rolled out for identified employees.

A visual representation of key skill domains including API & Microservices, DevOps, Automation, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Data Engineering, Project Management, Cybersecurity, and Data Visualisation. The skills are displayed in diamond-shaped boxes, illustrating areas of expertise in technology and project management.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development Programmes and Leadership Engagement Sessions are conducted on a regular basis at the Bank. The ‘Ignite’ series is an ongoing initiative designed to keep the employees updated with breakthroughs in the domains of leadership, digital transformation, data science and behavioural economics. The sessions provide an opportunity to teams to engage with domain experts and thought leaders in these areas. ICICI Bank also partners with thought leaders across a wide spectrum of fields, ranging from academia, management to sports, among others, with the aim to boost engagement and build leadership perspectives. Under the umbrella of Leadership Academy, the Bank organises formal leadership development programmes on identified themes of Technology, Data Science, Design Thinking and Project Management.

Job Rotation and Moving Across Roles

ICICI Bank believes in investing in its employees to take up challenging assignments and responsibilities early in their careers. The Bank’s ‘customer-oriented’ approach, known as Customer 360°, encourages employees to take up new roles and not restrict themselves to specific areas. As a part of their career and skill development, the Bank offers opportunities to employees to explore diverse roles and functions. This provides employees the chance to explore and develop learning and expertise in different domains.

Succession Planning

The Bank has institutionalised a succession planning and leadership development initiative to identify and groom leaders for next-level roles. The Bank has a robust succession planning process which, through the Senior Management Cover Index (LCI), closely tracks the depth of leadership bench at the senior management positions. The Bank has a strong bench for key positions and for critical leadership roles.


Employees play a pivotal role in the success of the Bank’s strategy and organisational growth. The Bank believes in providing an enabling work environment that helps employees to achieve their aspirational goals. The Bank is an inclusive and caring workplace, driven by meritocracy and equal opportunities for all. Employees at the Bank imbibe Officer Like Qualities (OLQ) at the workplace and in all internal and external engagements. The Bank has a 24x7 emergency helpline, accessible to all its employees. This helpline facility has, over the years, provided crucial support to employees and their immediate family members during exigencies. To cater to emergencies, the Bank also has a dedicated Quick Response Team (QRT) to assist employees in distress. The Bank also provides comprehensive insurance coverage for all employees, across all grades. Group insurance facility includes both the Personal Accidental Insurance Scheme as well as the Group Life Insurance Scheme. The Bank also facilitates a Parental Insurance Scheme at preferential rates for its employees. A range of benefits and policies has been curated, keeping in mind various life stages, needs and safety of women employees. In addition to maternity leave, women employees have access to childcare leave, fertility leave and adoption leave. The Bank has a Travel Accompaniment Policy, which allows women with young children to be accompanied by their child and a caregiver during official travel, with the cost borne by the Bank.

A visual illustration depicting various leave benefits for empowering women employees, including Maternity Leave, Child Care Leave, Adoption Leave, Fertility Leave, and Travel Accompaniment. The graphic is circular, with a central icon representing women, emphasizing support and empowerment through comprehensive leave policies

The Bank also has a policy designed to provide financial support to employees who have children with special needs. Under this policy, the Bank covers expenses incurred on improving the quality of life of the employee’s children with special needs through specialised education, therapy, equipment and periodic treatment, if required.

Sexual harassment cases at ICICI Bank are handled as per the guidelines set under The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013. The Bank promotes awareness about the Act through mandatory e-learning at the time of induction. It also regularly communicates with employees regarding the mechanism for raising complaints and the need for right conduct by all employees. The policy ensures that all such complaints are handled promptly and effectively with utmost sensitivity and confidentiality, and are resolved within defined timelines.

I-Care Service Platform

Service and innovation lie at the heart of the Bank’s commitment to employee experience and operational efficiency. To deliver superior service at scale, the ethos of care and strength of technology are blended to craft an intuitive and seamless experience for the employees. iCare integrates different channels, such as email, phone, chatbots and call centre, over the same platform. Furthermore, it offers a ‘zero drop-off’ experience, ensuring that employee issues are attended to, even if their assigned HR manager is on leave or busy. By harnessing the power of automation and AI, iCare provides better service and improved experience for employees.

Employee Connect and Engagement

ICICI Bank believes in creating a culture of free and open conversations. Forums of engagement have been created where employees can engage with the Bank’s senior leadership and seek clarification on policy and strategy. The senior management regularly engages with employees physically and virtually to emphasise the Bank’s cultural anchors, including ethical conduct, adherence to regulations and compliance. Business centre visits are also an important part of the communication agenda. Employees are kept updated on the strategy, performance and progress of the Bank through quarterly engagement on financial performance by the Executive Director with the leadership team.

Onboarding sessions are conducted by Business and HR managers to introduce all new employees to the Bank’s culture and systems. Through the platform of ‘Conversation Sessions’, supervisors and HR managers engage with their teams and new employees on a regular basis. They cover different areas like ICICI Bank’s culture, importance of respect and dignity in all engagements, and the importance of abiding by the internal policy commitments on diversity and human rights.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

ICICI Bank is committed to nurturing and promoting a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I). Its inclusive culture, free from any bias, enables employees to work effectively. The Bank is also committed to promoting and respecting human rights. It has put in place policies to provide an enabling and harassment-free work environment that respects and upholds individual dignity. The Bank’s Human Rights Policy is aligned with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

A graphic outlining the objectives of ICICI Bank's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives. The objectives include promoting a culture of DE&I across the bank, ensuring the bank remains an employer for diverse groups, maintaining an environment of inclusion for all employees, and upholding a culture of no discrimination. The graphic uses a modern design with bold text and curved shapes.