Annual Report 2018-19

ICICI Bank's Innovation Lab in Mumbai

Human Capital

Our competent workforce with diverse skill-sets and valuable experience

Creating a future ready workforce

ICICI Bank’s people practices are designed to cater to the rapidly evolving business environment. Aligning organisation structure to emerging ecosystems, re-imagining processes, building capabilities and innovation are at the centre of the Bank’s people strategy. Ensuring that every employee upholds the principles of being 'Fair to Customer, Fair to Bank' underpins the ethos of the Bank.

The current economic environment is characterised by abundant micro-market opportunities to serve the diverse needs of the customers. The Bank has reorganised itself to serve these opportunities. The Bank is moving away from defined organisation structure to an organisation network aligned to ecosystems. This will bring all capabilities of the Bank in unison, devoid of any functional boundaries which work together seamlessly. The Bank has transformed itself from grade-based structure to a role-based structure at the leadership level to augment nimbleness and agility. The Bank has also rationalised visible symbols of hierarchy such as work spaces, access to facilities and compensation related benefits. The frontline has been empowered to take decisions in the best interest of the customers.

The Bank’s strategic focus of growing risk calibrated core operating profit and market share is bolstered by re-calibrating the performance architecture. The individual performance indicators are aligned to the organisation objective of serving the customer with the most relevant products and services.

The Bank has always believed in the philosophy of 'Building Talent' and has created industry-academia partnerships focussed on creating a future ready workforce.


ICICI Bank launched a marquee campus engagement initiative, 'Beat the Curve', across premier management institutes to engage with the young minds and facilitate an exchange of ideas. The competition brought together the best minds of India to solve the challenges of rural India. The winners got the opportunity to participate in an International Fintech and Innovation workshop.

The Bank launched a programme, 'ICICI Bank Ascend’, to attract young graduates across the country. The programme aims at moulding these young professionals to take on leadership responsibilities.

At ICICI Bank, learning is integral to work, and various enabling systems have been institutionalised to provide opportunities for capability building. These initiatives span across the employee life cycle, starting from the time they join the Bank, and at various stages during the career. The Bank follows a two-pronged approach wherein classroom training is augmented with digital delivery of training.

Classroom and technology
based learning

No. of person-days of learning
Average person-days
No. of certified internal trainers

To develop capabilities in contemporary fields like data sciences, design thinking and artificial intelligence, various academies including functional academies, have been created.

Comprehensive leadership development initiatives have been curated to groom leaders for the future. Leadership Development Programmes and Leadership Engagement Sessions are conducted on regular basis for all critical roles in the Bank. ICICI Bank also partners with thought-leaders across the globe to co-design and build leadership perspectives.

The Bank has a robust succession planning process which measures the depth of leadership bench at the Senior Leadership levels. The Bank has a deep bench for all key positions.


The Bank has leveraged technology and digitally enabled its people processes. Digitisation has enhanced employee experience by automating transactional processes. Universe on the Move (UOTM) is a mobile application designed to serve various needs of employees and has various business applications integrated. The app is also enriched with learning content to enable learning as well as Zeno, the chatbot, capable of answering dynamic employee queries.

At ICICI Bank, we believe in creating a culture of free and open conversations. Forums of engagement have been created where the employees can connect with the senior leadership of the Bank. 'Engage your Leader' is a digitally facilitated interaction where employees can engage and interact with them. These sessions are conducted over i Studio, an in‑house application which is a two-way communication platform capable of connecting all employees across different locations. Senior Leadership periodically share their business perspective in form of short videos through 'Huddle'. To establish a deep personal, connect with the employees, a dedicated team of Employee Relations (ER) managers are based at various locations throughout the country.

The Bank is committed to creating and nurturing a mutually beneficial and respectful relationship with its employees. This is governed by the value proposition of Saath Aapka (which means ‘With You’), that is based on five key parameters. The Saath Aapka propositions are at the heart of every policy decision, and serve as an anchor for every employee initiative of the Bank.


The Bank expects all its employees to act in accordance with the highest professional and ethical standards upholding the principles of integrity and compliance at all times. The Bank’s Group Code of Business Conduct and Ethics lays down the values and principles and the standards of professional conduct and desired behaviour from its employees. The Bank expectations around compliance are communicated to its employees through multiple channels.

The Bank is an equal opportunity employer and seeks to ensure that the workplace is free of any kind of harassment or inappropriate behaviour. Comprehensive policies and procedures have been laid down to create an environment where there is respect and dignity in every engagement. Sexual harassment cases are handled as per the guidelines set under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act. This is imbibed in the Bank’s culture by creating awareness through mandatory e-learning on the subject at the time of induction. The Bank has a mechanism for dealing with complaints of harassment or discrimination. The policy ensures that all such complaints are handled promptly and effectively with utmost sensitivity and confidentiality, and are resolved within defined timelines.

For other workplace issues, the Bank has a robust mechanism to resolve them. 'Call@I-Care' provides employees with a platform to raise any issues or concerns that they may have.

In the area of health, wellbeing and safety, the Bank has a comprehensive suite of benefits. '#BeFit' is an umbrella programme that offers multiple health related options for employees including wearable fitness devices at discounted rates and participation in activities such as Yoga and Zumba at work.

To support the life stage needs and safety of women employees, a range of benefits and policies is available to them. The Bank provides fertility leave to employees seeking to undergo treatment. It also provides child care leave of 36 days annually till the child is two years old. The Bank is also associated with various day care facilities across the country. 'iWork@home' is an initiative that enables women employees to work from home, if required. The Bank has a Travel Accompaniment Policy which allows women with young children to be accompanied by their child and a caregiver during official travel with the cost borne by the Bank. 'iTravelSafe', an app developed by the Bank, provides easy access to register an SOS distress signal.

To support employees during emergencies, the Bank has set up a Quick Response Team (QRT) to respond to calls of distress by employees. Each QRT is a GPS enabled vehicle and carries medical equipment and a team of trained professions to deal with medical and safety emergencies.