Chemical Industry

Drive your business with customized banking solutions

The Indian chemical industry accounts for ~3% of the global chemical industry (i.e. $ 3.4 Trillion) and it is estimated worth $108 Billion Total Export & Import Market Potential is USD 28 Billion.

Enhance your business performance with the ICICI Bank Chemical Industry bundled account. ICICI Bank works in partnership with you to help manage your business effectively. ICICI Bank can provide important financial insight and support needed for your industry.


  • Manage your Export Receivables from foreign buyers through our efficient remittance services
  • Fund your working capital requirements with our specialized export finance solutions

Our trade services offerings for you

Helpful links

1. Indian Chemical Council

INDIAN CHEMICAL COUNCIL (ICC) the apex national body representing all branches of the Chemical Industry in India such as Organic & Inorganic Chemicals, Plastics & Petrochemicals & Petroleum Refineries, Dyestuffs & Dye-intermediates, Fertilizers & Pesticides, Specialty Chemicals, Paints etc.

2. Chemical and Petrochemical Manufacturers' Association, India (CPMA)

CPMA is the apex forum representing the Indian Petrochemical Industry established in 1993.

3. Indian Speciality Chemical Manufacturers Association

The Indian Speciality Chemical Manufacturers’ Association is an all India body representing manufacturers of Speciality chemicals. The association was established during the year 1952.

4. The Chemical and Alkali Merchants' Association (CAMA)

The Chemical and Alkali Merchants' Association (CAMA) was established 1956, by a band of highly committed and charitably inclined Traders, who had just set up their businesses in the highly restricted, post Independence era.

5. The Dyestuffs Manufacturers Association of India

The Dyestuffs Manufacturers Association of India, popularly known as DMAI was set up in 1950, (Manufacture of dyes in India was started in 1940), to promote and protect trade, commerce & Industries connected with dyestuffs & to encourage friendly feelings & unanimity amongst those engaged in the manufacture of dyestuffs in India.

6. Alkali Manufacturers' Association of India

AMAI is an apex body representing Indian Chlor-Alkali Industry at various forums like Regulatory bodies, Govt. of India, concerned Deptt. of Ministries like Deptt. of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Environment & Forests, etc. Salt Commissioner, Bureau of Indian Standards, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Deptt. of Explosives, Inspectorate of Factories, ICC, FICCI, CII, etc.


PESTICIDES FORMULATORS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (PFAI) came into existence in the year 1967 with a view to provide a platform for small scale Pesticides Formulators. - See more at: