Why iWish is a safe investment option in a volatile market

Volatile circumstances in the markets can lead to investors growing wary and starting to question the investment strategies they have in place. This holds particularly true for investors new on the block who can often feel compelled to draw back from the market altogether and wait until it appears to be safe to dive back in.
What needs to be understood however is that market volatility is always likely, and the intrinsic nature of the market is to move up and down over short periods of time. Attempting to time the market is incredibly hard. Investors instead should look towards holding a long-term relationship with the market and not be swayed by or focus on fluctuations that occur over the short term.
Many investors have recognized this to be a solid strategy however even long-term investors ought to know about volatile markets and what serves to be safe investments during this time.
Understanding Market Volatility
Volatility refers to the statistical measurement of the likelihood of a market or security to increase or decline in sharp spikes within short time frames. It is ordinarily measured with the aid of the standard deviation of the return generated via a given investment. Standard deviation here allows for investors, traders and market analysts alike to understand the amount of variation or deviation that might arise.
Characteristic traits that account for volatile markets include wide price fluctuations interspersed with enormous trading. Market volatility is often the result of an imbalance within trade orders that are tipped in one direction. Some believe volatility to be the result of economic releases, news pertaining to certain companies, recommendations provided by prominent analysts, overly well-received initial public offerings, or unexpected earnings. However, others feel day traders, short sellers and institutional investors are responsible for generating market volatility. In order to understand market volatility, it is important to understand that the way investors react is also owed to psychological forces.
While there are contrasting approaches to what exactly causes market volatility, there is agreement that it exists and investors ought to know how to deal with it.
Investing During Instances of Volatile Markets
Investing your money during instances of market volatility can be frustrating and if you are a newcomer to the market, it can leave you feeling particularly uneasy. During this time, fixed deposits and recurring deposits can stand to be viable instruments within which to invest your money. This is owed to the fact that they are low-risk financial instruments that aren’t affected by market volatility.
Recurring deposits in particular are viable bets for those who might not have the funds needed to start a fixed deposit but are seeking to implement a habit of saving. That being said, they require you to make deposits in multiples of 100 each month on a fixed date. Set against this backdrop, ICICI Bank’s iWish Flexible Recurring Deposit makes for one of the most viable investment options during instances of market volatility.
What is ICICI Bank’s iWish Flexible Recurring Deposit and Why is It Good?
ICICI Bank’s iWish Flexible Recurring Deposit can be understood to be a recurring deposit that has a number of features that make it stand out when set against other ordinary recurring deposits. This is owed to a number of factors some of which have been explored below.
Goal-based planning
Unlike ordinary recurring accounts, iWish allows investors to make goal-based planning such that they can work towards saving for a particular financial goal.
Deposits due
iWish requires you to make a minimum deposit amounting to INR 50 which stands in sharp contrast to that of ordinary recurring deposits that requires ten times the amount as a minimum deposit i.e., INR 500. Furthermore, while iWish permits you to contribute any amount at any point in time, regular recurring deposits only accept deposits that are multiples of a hundred on a fixed date each month. Finally, while you can make several deposits to your iWish account at any point in time, regular recurring deposits only accept a single deposit each month.
Penalties charged
In the event that you are unable to make a deposit, you are not penalised or charged with any fine under an iWish account whereas you would be if you possessed a regular recurring deposit.
Each of the aforementioned factors adds to the appeal of ICICI Bank’s iWish Flexible Recurring Deposit. In instances of market volatility you don’t always know what you might be able to afford to spare or not and contribute towards your savings or in this case, your iWish account which makes the flexibility it offers most welcome.
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