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2 mins Read | 3 Years Ago

Should I Invest in Commercial Property ? Pros & Cons

Is investment in commercial property advisable? Pros & Cons

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Taking investment decision in real estate is usually a difficult one, especially when it comes to choose between residential property and commercial property. For someone who is new to investing in real estate, the decision is all the more difficult. It is usually perceived that investing in commercial real estate is for big investors and businessmen. Although it may be true to some extent, it is not always the case and commercial property, especially shops and showrooms, can be invested in by even salaried people. While investing in residential property or commercial property can be totally different, one must be very clear as to how the investment has to be made and how much involvement is required after the investment is made.

Advantages of Commercial Property Investment

  • Higher Rental Income â€“ The rental yield in commercial property is higher than that in residential property. In fact, rental yields from commercial property beats residential property hands down. The yield is usually in double digits from commercial property. This is the single largest advantage of investing in commercial realty estate. Sometimes, it can even be 12-14 percent if the location and condition is good. If the investment is being made solely from the point of view of earning potential through rents, then commercial property is undoubtedly better.

  • Ease in Dealing with Tenants-In the case of commercial property, the tenant is usually a corporate, banks, retail chains. It is relatively easy to deal with such entities and there is no running around to get the rent. If the tenant is reputed bank or corporate in one floor or one section of the property, there will be an appreciation in rental yield for the rest of the property.

  • Regular Inflow of Income-The income from commercial property is usually regular and more consistent than in the case of residential property. This is also a significant advantage. Residential properties are fraught with a bit of uncertainty in terms of longevity of lease or rental duration. In case of commercial property, the rental is somewhat assured as there is longer lease duration.

Disadvantages of Commercial Property Investment

  • Heavy Investment-There is an involvement of a heavy amount in case of commercial property than in case of residential property. One must be prepared to invest a large amount after looking at his/her other financial needs and commitment.

  • Costlier Loans -The loans for commercial property are higher than for residential property. The interest rates and terms & conditions will also depend on the kind of property, investors’ profile, location and the tenure of repayment. But it is safe to say that the interest rates will be 100-200 basis points higher in case of commercial property. The process of availing the loan is also more complex and the lender, which may be a bank or NBFC, takes longer in sanctioning the loan.

  • Fewer Tax Incentives– There are much fewer tax incentives for an investor of a commercial property. There is no tax rebate or tax benefit on the EMI for repayment of loan for acquiring the commercial property. On the other hand, there are significant tax breaks for EMIs paid for residential property. This break brings the overall cost of acquiring a residential property down and is one of the major reason people prefer residential property.

  • More Road Bumps in Finding a Tenant - Finding the right kind of tenant for commercial property like a shop or a showroom may be slightly difficult than finding a tenant for residential property. The property may remain vacant longer when one tenant moves out and another moves in due to the difficulty in finding a tenant.

  • Additional provision required in case of loan - The landlord must keep a certain sum aside for the EMIs, in case the property has been acquired though loan, for the intervening period of one tenant moving out and another moving in.

  • Maintenance Woes– There is usually a larger expense in upkeep and maintenance of a commercial property. In the case of a residential property, the maintenance expenses are limited to simple (tap repairs, minor electrical works, etc) fixtures and do not involve a huge cost. The maintenance or renovation in a commercial set up will usually be huge.

  • Research required– There needs to be thorough research by the investor as to what will be the overall cost in acquisition of the property, the taxes involved, the zonal laws and bylaws for renting out and the rental earning potential of that building or shop. Any mistake in any of these can prove to be really costly. The development of the entire area and potential of the rental to go up in future must also be kept in mind.

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