What different kind of financial solutions does Campus Power have for Institutes?

What different kind of financial solutions does Campus Power have for Institutes?
When thousands of students enrol for higher education in India or overseas, universities and institutions often grapple with the challenge of managing admissions, payments and other solutions. To help the educational institutes manage the student enrolment processes and other responsibilities effortlessly, ICICI Bank has launched a digital platform - Campus Power. So, whether you are running a college, school, university or edutech, the platform will help to streamline Payments, Collections, Insurance, Loans, remittances and Credit/Purchase Cards without any hassle.
What is the Campus Power portal?
The Campus Power digital platform addresses the needs of students, parents and institutions. Students who want to seek admission for higher education in universities in India or abroad can use the platform to borrow Education Loans, seek expert counselling, prepare for online tests, manage online payments, remittances, get a Forex Prepaid Card and others.
Similarly, parents who seek admission for a child’s higher studies can use the Campus power portal to apply for a Student Loan, perform Inward/Outward Remittances, Student Insurance and make investments to save for the child’s educational goals, among others.
Let’s understand how the Campus Power digital platform is useful for institutions:
Payments & Collections: You can now manage payments & student bills at large with the help of EazyPay. Although your institution may have an account with any bank, you can use the tool to get payment reminders, multiple payment options, get e-receipts, etc. Campus Power also offers features like iFee+ and Cashless Campus
Managing Remittances: Receive wire transfers, import and export of payments using the Campus Power tool. Wire transfers with ICICI Bank are quick and convenient supporting a wide range of foreign currencies
Insurance: Institutions can also cover their employees under Group Health Insurance. The Insurance Cover will compensate for the medical expenses incurred by the employees
Corporate/Purchase Cards: When it comes to taking care of the expenses and purchases, Campus Power equips the institutes with the best solutions. Educational entities can easily apply for an ICICI Bank Corporate Credit Card to control all aspects of operations & employee related travel & entertainment expenses. They can also streamline administrative functions with ICICI Bank’s Purchase Card Solutions
Manage Loans: Whether your institute is planning for expansion, launching a new facility or undergoing renovation, you can definitely benefit from the FDOD Online (Overdraft against Fixed Deposit) for Corporates through ICICI Bank Corporate Internet Banking (CIB).
To summarise:
Every year, numerous students seek admission to academic institutions causing tremendous pressure on the institute members and teams. There are chances of missing out on student inquiries, payments or offering the required guidance. ICICI Bank’s Campus Power digital portal will help the institutions to automate and streamline end-to-end admission operations.
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