The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, vide order dated July 14, 2021, imposed restrictions on MasterCard Asia/Pacific Pte. Ltd. from on-boarding new domestic customers onto their card networks, with effect from July 22, 2021. Accordingly, ICICI Bank Limited shall be unable to accept further applications for any ICICI Bank Debit Cards on MasterCard network. However, please note that this order does not impact existing customers.

Coral+ Debit Cards

Sapphiro Debit Cards

Rubyx Debit Card

Coral Paywave Contactless Debit Card
No. There is no fee for using your debit card for retail or online transactions. However, under certain merchant categories like railways and fuel, a fee may be levied by the merchant on every purchase.
To know international debit card transaction charges, please click here.
Currently your Debit Card can be used to make purchases from online merchants who have the Verified by Visa/ MasterCard SecureCode certification displayed on their web site.