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Would you like to place account modification request ?

Please download the form from the list below and send to the addresses stated on the form along with self-attested copy of valid passport. Modification request has to be couriered to the addresses mentioned on Request type form.

Click here to know various channels to place account modification requests.


  1. Account Opening - New Relationship
  2. RFC Declaration-Saving/FD.
  3. Request for Change of Existing Resident Account to NRO Account
  4. Mandate holder Applications
  5. Nomination Form
  6. NRI Pro / Premia related
  7. Account activation / Dormant related
  8. Request for Addition/Deletion of Applicant in Existing Account
  9. Request for an Additional Savings / Non-Interest Bearing Account / Fixed Deposit
  10. Request for personal detail updation
  11. Name, Signature and MOP Change
  12. Closure of Term Deposit (NRE FD / NRO FD/ NRE RD/ NRO RD/ FCNR(B) FD)
  13. Request for Duplicate Fixed Deposit Receipt
  14. Request for Demand Draft
  15. Request for Duplicate Demand Draft
  16. Request for Internet Banking / Mobile Banking facility
  17. Request to link your accounts
  18. Request for Outward Repatriation of Funds
  19. Repatriation from FCNR/NRE FD and NRE SB
  20. Repatriation from NRO FD/SB
  21. Self Declaration cum Indemnity
  22. Request for reissue of Internet Banking user ID/Password or ATM/Debit card and pin or a New Cheque Book
  23. Request for Renewal of Term Deposits
  24. Request for Stop Payment / Hot listing card
  25. Transfer of Accounts for NRI customers
  26. Updation of KYC Documents
  27. Request for Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) - NRO accounts
  28. Request Letter for Transfer of Funds from NRO a/c to NRE a/c
  29. Request Letter for Transfer of Funds from Non ICICI Bank NRO a/c to ICICI Bank NRE a/c
  30. PIS Application Form
  31. Cancellation form for Portfolio investment scheme
  32. Non Solicitation Declaration
  33. CKYC form
  34. Request for FATCA/CRS updation
  35. DEAF Refund Form
  36. Conversion from Resident to NRO for expats (Foreign national)
  37. ODFD Application form
  38. ODFD closure form through Phone Banking/ERM channel
  39. ODFD closure form
  40. FD Closure through NetBanking
  41. RPP
  42. FCPP
  43. FCCPP
  44. Opening of RFC deposit for RFC form
  45. Minor to Major Upgrade Form
  46. Conversion from SB to NRO
  47. Stay Connected
  48. NRI Smart Star to NRI Young Star Conversion Form
  49. NRI Combined Account Closure From
  50. Form 60
Send the form and support documents to ICICI Bank, India address mentioned below
ICICI Bank Ltd, RPC – NRI Cell,Autumn Estate, 5th Floor, "A" Wing, Near Mhada, Chandivali, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 072, India.
Please note that the time required for your application to reach us:
Mode of Dispatch of your application Time to reach ICICI Bank Time to execute your transaction

Form dispatched through Courier

On an average it takes a minimum of 7 working days for your documents to reach ICICI Bank

Your application will be processed within 2 working days on receipt at ICICI Bank if all documents are in order

Form dispatched through local Post

On an average it takes a minimum of 15 working days for your documents to reach ICICI Bank