My business now employs other trainees from ICICI RSETI. I am planning to expand soon and hope to continue employing less privileged youth.

From a labourer to an entrepreneur

I was barely seven when my father passed away. His untimely death was the beginning of my family’s struggles. From being a carefree kid, I became the caregiver of three younger siblings – a brother and two sisters. My family had land, but that alone could not solve our problems. No one in the village was willing to lend us money. My mother started mortgaging our land. To make ends meet, I dropped out of school after completing Standard 7 and started doing odd jobs and helping my mother on the farms as a labourer.

As I grew up, I managed to bring some stability into our lives. However, I continued to struggle financially. My wife and I were worried about the future of our two kids and I was desperately searching for a breakthrough.

I heard about ICICI RSETI from a friend and enrolled for the free 45-day ‘Electric Motor Rewinding & Pump Set Maintenance’ course. At the centre, I gained hands-on-experience on real electrical motors which boosted my confidence. The special module on ‘Entrepreneurship Development’ gave me a ringside view of building and running my own dream enterprise. It completely changed my perspective on life.

After the completion of the course, I took up a job at a shop next to the centre. The work experience gave me the confidence to start my own shop. My business now employs other trainees from ICICI RSETI. I am planning to expand soon and hope to continue employing less privileged youth. This is my way of giving back to society. After the success of my own business, I have now built two houses on our land that is not mortgaged anymore. When I reflect on the past, I cannot but thank ICICI RSETI for the positive turn that my life took after decades of struggle.

Next Success Story:

Mikudi from Baori village, Rajasthan