
Their limitless dreams.
Your unconditional support.

Preparing for your child’s higher education.

1 minute read


In today’s world, parents are championingtheir child’s dreams, offering unwaveringsupport to their offbeat career choices.However, ensuring their success requiresstrategic planning. In our cover story, weexplore various steps parents can take toensure that their children make the rightcareer choices to ensure a bright future.


Career path discovery

Today’s parents foster open dialogues withtheir children with the aim of encouragingthem to pursue careers they are passionateabout.

Geographical dilemma

The age-old question always makes an entryhere, ‘India or abroad’. Factor in fields ofstudy, job prospects and costs to make thatdecision.

Preparation essentials

For India, start exam preparation early. Forabroad, research coaching options to nailinternational tests.

Application mastery

For Indian institutions, track deadlinesmeticulously. For abroad, assist with essaysand extra-curricular activities to boostapplications.

Financial maneuvering

Calculate tuition fee, scout scholarships andconsider education loans. Choose a bankthat offers student-friendly services!

Departure arrangements

Sort housing, study cultural norms and packwisely. Ensure all your paperwork is in place.

Expense planning

Staying informed

Stay abreast of admission processes,timelines, visa rules and health advisories.

With your love and unwavering support, youcan be the wind beneath your child’s wings,as they embark on a new journey to fulfiltheir dreams.

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May 2024 | VOL. 36