MAY 2024 | VOL. 36
Education Loan
Things to Remember!
2 min read

Planning and saving for a child’s highereducation is crucial, especially forprestigious colleges abroad or costlycourses. Education Loans offer valuablesolutions for funding higher studies, whetherin India or abroad.
Let us take a quick look at some crucialelements, both parents and children shouldconsider before seeking an education loan.
Understanding the Basics
Both parents and children mustunderstand how loans work, includingwho offers them, the distinction betweenprincipal and interest, interest rates, andrepayment timelines.
Consulting a Relationship Manager orvisiting a branch can clarify loantechnicalities.
Clarity on Repayment Responsibilities
Clear agreements on repaymentresponsibilities are vital, whetherundertaken by parents or children.
Children seek financial independence andwould aim to repay loans after securingemployment. A moratorium period allowsparental intervention if needed.
Eligibility and Research
Research financial aid options, includingscholar loans, scholarships andcollateral-free loans.
It is crucial to understand eligibilitycriteria such as credit score, course typeand institution, for informed borrowingdecisions.
Bank Selection Criteria
Selecting the right bank involvesconsidering tie-ups with educationalinstitutions, streamlined processes andquick disbursement.
Comparing loan factors such as interestrate, insurance coverage and theapplication process are crucial fordecision-making.

Parental Perspective and
Decision-Making Process
Collaborative efforts between studentsand parents lead to informed decisionsabout education financing.
Parents provide valuable insights,considering factors such as tax benefitsand financial independence, therebyshaping the decision-making process.
Impact on Future Financial Goals
Acquiring an Education Loan can impactfuture financial decisions. While somemay consider tax benefits, others aremindful of the impact on investmentcapabilities and loan obligations.

Evaluating job prospects and loan
Children, especially those who areresponsible for repayment, mustunderstand potential job opportunities.
Some lenders initiate repayment postcourse completion or job acquisition,while others offer a moratorium period.
Defaulting on EMIs can adversely impactcredit scores and future loan prospects,particularly if collateral is involved.
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May 2024 | VOL. 36