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Our Vision

To be the trusted financial service provider of choice for our customers, thereby creating sustainable value for our stakeholders.

Our ESG Philosophy

To adopt sustainable business practices that ensure the long-term success of the organisation and have a positive impact on the environment and society.

ESG initiatives: highlights as at March 31, 2024

Target to become

carbon neutral in scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by fiscal 2032

35%of total energy

consumption from renewable sources

32%area of

Bank is Indian Green Building Council certified


outstanding green financing portfolio


A-4 sized paper saved in fiscal 2024


ISO 45001:2018 certified for occupational health and safety


in Bank’s total Scope 1 and 2 emissions


for CSR activities in FY2024

25.8billion litres

of cumulative water harvesting potential created through CSR

3.7million trees

planted as part of CSR initiatives

10.5million rural

women amongst Self-Helf Groups received credit facilities

Latest Reports

ICICI Bank - Environmental, Social and Governance Report FY 2023-24

  • PDF

ICICI Bank - Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report FY2023-24

  • PDF

Contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Skill development for livelihood, value chain development, enabling financial inclusion in unbanked rural areas and lending women through Self-Help Groups

Supporting sustainable agriculture practices, rainwater harvesting and watershed development, livelihood and value chain development projects and financial inclusion

Support to strengthen health infrastructure, treatment of the underprivileged, biodiversity and emission reduction projects like burning paddy straw

Livelihood and value chain development, vocational training and financial literacy

Support to underprivileged women through self-help groups, skill training for livelihoods and employee policies and practices emphasising equality in opportunities

Water conservation and management in own operations, social rainwater harvesting and watershed development projects and construction of toilets

Focus on increasing adoption of renewable energy, green workspaces, lending to renewable energy sector projects and a roadmap to reduce energy intensity per employee

ICICI Academy for Skills Programme supports women through self-help groups, employee policies and practices and maintaining strong corporate governance

The Bank has adopted a structured approach to develop green workspaces and foster digital innovations with rich features and functionalities for customers

Responsible business practices, ensuring an inclusive workplace driven by equal opportunities for all and maintaining strong corporate governance

Sustainable Cities and Communities, (on hovering it should not flip, keep it in disable state)

Environmental sensitivity in own operations such as reducing energy consumption, minimising waste and protecting natural resources

Address risks emanating from climate change, fostering use of solar energy in rural schools, conservation of forests, afforestation and climate smart agriculture

Life Below Water on hovering it should not flip, keep it in disable state

Projects in the areas of water conservation, forest conservation and afforestation and protecting biodiversity

Promote a culture of accountability, transparency, ethical conduct and maintain the highest standards of governance while conducting our business

Partnerships on hovering it should not flip, keep it in disable state

Environmental Sustainability in own operations

It is our constant endeavour to minimise the environmental impact of our operations. We have actively pursued opportunities to adopt new technologies and energy-efficient practices in our operations to reduce emissions.

Fostering empowerment

We have a long-standing commitment towards promoting inclusive social and economic development. Our social efforts are driven by the vision to create a positive impacted through projects with a widespread reach and are responsive to local developmental needs and urgencies. Through the Bank’s philanthropic arm, the ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth, a meaningful socio-economic change has been our endeavour.